December 5, 2023

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • New feature

    Introduced Card Widget which provides embeddable html that shows Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) data in end user applications. The Nium hosted url for the embeddable html can be retrieved using the new Get card details widget API. This API is secured by JWT token authentication which is encrypted by AES RSA encryption algorithm.

  • New feature

    Introduced a new Account Verification API on Nium's payments network. This feature is also commonly referred as Confirmation Of Payee. Using this feature, customers can ensure the money reaches the intended payee or beneficiary by verifying if the payee details including account number are valid.

    Contact your Nium representative to activate this feature. Refer to the Account Verification (Confirmation Of Payee) user guide for more details.


    • Updated the Remittance lifecycle user guide under the Transfer Money category with simulation account details that will allow you to create transactions in sandbox environment. With these instructions, you will now be able to replicate PAID, SENT TO BANK, and RETURN statuses and their state transitions.

    • Introduced a new user guide on GPI tracking that offers insights into improved tracking for SWIFT wire transactions.


    Local ZAR currency payouts for P2P use cases have been temporarily deactivated due to a technical issue with our payment partner. Nium continues to support payouts for other use cases such as B2P and B2B. We are working closely with our partner to resolve this issue at the earliest.

November 21, 2023

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • New features

    • Introduced a new Proof of Payment (POP) API to generate proof for the transactions that are in PAID status. You can use this API to download the proof of payment.

      • Proof of payment is a pdf generated by Nium to provide the necessary details of the transaction such as sender details, beneficiary details, transaction date & time, paid amount, fees, and FX rate.
      • You can provide POP documents to your customers or suppliers for enhancing transparency. Your customers typically use this document, also known as transaction receipt, for reconciliatiion, and for tax verification purpose.

    • Introduced collections capability in Japan. To support this capability, a new data object, InvoiceDetails, is added to the request body of the Fund Wallet API.

      You will now be able to receive funds locally from individuals and businesses in JPY currency in real time and hold the funds in the customer wallets in JPY currency. You can also issue JPY virtual accounts to your customer wallets using the Assign Payment ID API. Contact your Nium representative to learn more about this feature.

    • Introduced the Direct Debit capability for your corporate customers in Australia (AU). AU based businesses can now fund from their AU bank account into their Nium-issued wallets using Direct Debit. For this feature, the transactionType is shown as WALLET_CREDIT_MODE_DIRECT_DEBIT in the response body of Wallet Transactions API. Contact your Nium representative to activate this capability.

      Refer to the Direct Debit AU user guide for more details on this feature.

November 7, 2023

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Enhancement

    Introduced a new field called referenceCode in the Cards 3DS OTP Webhook.

    referenceCode is a unique value generated with each new OTP value. In the instance where the consumer can receive multiple OTPs for the same transaction, this can be leveraged to show the consumer which OTP is expected to be entered. This value should be sent in the SMS or Email along with the OTP and then displayed on the consumer screen.

  • Enhancement

    We have added two new parameters in the gpi object to enhance the gpi details shared with you in Fetch Remittance Life Cycle Status API and Remit Transaction Sent to Bank webhook.

    • forwardBankCode: Bank identification code (BIC) of the next participant bank to which the payment has been forwarded.
    • remarks: Detailed description of the reasonCode. This interpretation is provided by Nium.

October 24, 2023

  • New features

    • We have added several new features to the Nium portal in sandbox environment including, global wallets view, reports for payout transactions, configure webhook events, invite new users to your sandbox, and transparency with chronometer in the transaction details. Read the announcement blog for more details.

    API breaking changes

    • Document details are required when onboarding in EU

      Nium must report the "documentNumber" associated with the individual stakeholder positions of corporate customers to regulatory authorities through various reports. Until now, clients were not obligated to provide stakeholderDetails.documentDetails in the eKYB process. However, starting January 1, 2024, stakeholderDetails.documentDetails will become a mandatory field for both the eKYB and Manual KYB procedures when the position corresponds to UBO, TRUSTEE, or PARTNER.

      Additionally, stakeholderDetails.kycMode, and stakeholderDetails.documentDetails.document will continue to be optional in the eKYB process when a searchID is provided, but they will be required fields when searchID is not provided for the manual KYB flow.

      See EU required Parameters and EU required documents for more details.
  • New features

    • If you are using the delegated model, we have improved the settlement report file to offer more comprehensive information for transaction matching. The new settlement file includes additional fields and is formatted with the pipe symbol as a delimiter, making it simpler to parse and handle. We're delivering the updated V2 version of the file to the same SFTP location where V1 was previously shared. Clients can take advantage of this enhanced file to improve their settlement processing. Detailed information on the format of the file is available in the Client settlement report guide.


    • Ability to update name on card for corporate cards. We have enhanced Update Card Details V2 API which will allow customers or cardholders to update card data at individual card level including the name on card.
    • We have included new delivery options for EU & UK. In Add Card V2 API the issuanceMode field has two new options international_delivery_track, and international_delivery_track_sign.
  • New feature

    • Introduced a new API to retreive Account Ownership Certificate (AOC) for your customers. To download the account ownership certificate you can call the Account Ownership Certificate API.
      • Account Ownership certificate is a pdf generated by Nium to provide the details of the virtual account(s) assigned to the name of the underlying customer.
      • AOC are usually required by online market places or payment gateways for registration.
      • AOC document can be used by your underlying customers for providing account details for collections across different payment platforms.
      • Additionally, AOC are required for loan applications or when dealing with government agencies.


    • Added transparency about timing of the interbank FX rate. In order to ensure that you know the exact time at which we obtained the last traded interbank FX rate being used in an FX quote, a new field called rateCaptureTime was added in the API response for creating a quote and fetching an existing quote. The rateCaptureTime field has the timestamp at which we got it from our rate service provider.

October 10, 2023

  • Enhancements

    • Corporate customer onboarding enhancements
      • Added a new status field in Client KYB Status webhook to enhance corporate customer onboarding.
        At present, the Client KYB Status webhook only provides access to the complianceStatus parameter, and you proceed with the transaction upon receiving a complianceStatus value of COMPLETED. Although infrequent, certain transactions may not succeed because transactions are only allowed when the status is Clear

        To address this issue and prevent transaction failures, we have now included the status field in the webhook, which is already available in the Customer Details API. We strongly recommend that clients utilize both complianceStatus and status to ensure the successful execution of transactions.

        Note that the complianceStatus being COMPLETED does not signify a terminal state, as there is still a possibility of receiving Requests for Information (RFIs) even after this webhook has been received. In rare instances, RFIs may still be raised even after the status has reached Clear due to post-approval due diligence. However, transactions will not be blocked in such situations.

      • Amendment to attestation for US Clients.
        For US clients, it is necessary to update the applicant declaration or attestation in your onboarding process to incorporate the UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) declaration. Use the following amended attestation:

        “I certify that I am the authorized representative of the customer; all information provided and documents submitted are complete and correct. I confirm that I have provided all the UBOs present. I have read and accepted the Nium Terms and Conditions.“

    • Individual customer onboarding enhancements
      • Enhancement in Unified Add Customer API by adding a new optional field isTncAccepted to support both onboarding and the terms and conditions (T&C) acceptance in a single API call.

        isTncAccepted is a boolean field and the default value is false. With this change, customer's initial consent to the T&Cs can be recorded during the onboarding flow.

      • Introduced shortened enum values for intendedUseOfAccount and estimatedMonthlyFunding fields in Unified Add Customer API. The shortened values and their corresponding descriptions are available in the enum values description guide. This enhancement will make the API easier to use and reduce the chance of getting validation errors.

      • Regenerate KYC URL API now supports individual customers in addition to corporate customers.
  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Enhancements

    • Extended Get Card Widget API to support UnionPay.
      This improvement expands the Nium card widget's support to include UnionPay China cards alongside the currently supported Visa Cards. This update will facilitate payments to UnionPay cardholders in China for those who do not meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance requirements.

      If you are not compliant with PCI DSS, you need to integrate with Get Card Widget API to get the recipient’s encrypted card token number. You then pass the token number in the field encryptedBeneficiaryCardToken when you add a beneficiary to make a payout to a card.

      Steps to make payouts to UnionPay Cards will remain same as existing Visa card payouts.

    • GPI Details for SWIFT Wires SWIFT GPI (Gpi stands Global Payments Innovation) was developed in 2017 to improve the experience of making a payment via the SWIFT network.

      With this enhancement, we are utilizing the information received from our SWIFT partner banks to offer end-to-end visibility into the status of a transaction, starting from the moment it's initiated to the moment it's deposited to the beneficiary account. In essence, we're enabling the tracking of SWIFT wire transactions.

      The GPI details can be obtained using the Fetch Remittance Life Cycle Status API which now includes a new object gpi with four parameters in the API response:

      • reasonCode: GPI code shared by the SWIFT partner bank
      • statusDescription: Description of the GPI reason code
      • timestamp: Date and time of the last status change
      • forwardBankName: Name of the next participant bank to which the payment has been forwarded

      Remit Transaction Sent to Bank Webhook will have the following enhancements:

      • The gpi object with the above described four parameters will also be available in the webhook response.
      • We will send a new event notification whenever there is a change in reasonCode or forwardBankName.

September 26, 2023

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • New feature

    Introduced the new Fetch Aggregated Exchange Rates endpoint that allows you to track and monitor historic market trends for any currency pair.

    After you specify the required sourceCurrencyCode and destinationCurrencyCode fields, this API returns the aggregated daily FX data for the past ninety days.

    You can also specify the following optional fields:

    • start and end dates that need to be within the the last ninety days.
    • window to specify whether the results should be grouped by hour or day.

    For both the hourly and daily window views, the following are displayed for the specified currency pair during the selected time window:

    • min - The minimum FX rate captured.
    • max - The maximum FX rate captured.
    • average - The average FX rate calculated.
    • time - The starting timestamp of the FX rate aggregation.

    For additional information, refer to the FX overview guide.

September 12, 2023

  • New feature

    Added a new RFI template called otherData for corporate onboarding.

    Currently the RFIs requiring additional data are limited to businessName, transactionCountries, and intendedUseOfAccount. Prior to this change, when additional information was required, an RFI was raised using an email or with the otherDocument RFI template. Since the otherData RFI handles non-document requests, any type of information can now be collected without the need to add any new RFI templates in the future.

    The otherData RFI is available in preprod for testing now and will be available in production starting October 10, 2023.

    The request body for Respond to RFI API accepts businessInfo.additionalInfo.otherData object as an item in the rfiResponseRequest array object.

    Examples for usage of otherData:

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

August 29, 2023

  • Enhancements

    For security and to inform customers of any account takeover, notifications are sent in two ways.

      1. Notification by Email

      • The new email template CUSTOMER_UPDATE_EMAIL has been introduced to send email notifications to the customers whenever there is any update in the email address or mobile number of the customer.
      • For any change in the email address, notifications are sent to both the previous and updated email address.
      • For any change in the mobile number, the notification is sent to the current email address.
      • Currently, this is applicable only for individual customers whose kycStatus is Clear.

      2. Notification by Webhook

      • To send the contact information of the customer prior to the update, three new key-value pairs have been included in the fields parameter:
        • previousCountryCode
        • previousMobile
        • previousEmail
      • The CARD_CUSTOMER_UPDATE_WEBHOOK parameter notifies about the customer’s previous and newly updated contact information to you.
      • Example of the updated field in the request body of the webkook template:
        "fields": {
        "countryCode": "SG",
        "mobile": "67543800",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "previousCountryCode": "US",
        "previousMobile": "123456789",
        "previousEmail": "[email protected]"},

  • New feature

    The new OOB Callback v2 API simplifies the request payload for providing Nium with the result of 3DS out-of-band authentication.

    • After you perform authentication using Biometrics or other means, you can provide the success or failure to Nium against the Transaction ID.
    • OOB Callback v1 API will be deprecated and becomes unsupported on March 31, 2024.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

August 15, 2023

  • Enhancements

    • EU Corporate Customer Onboarding allows an application to be submitted without the collection of the REGISTER_OF_DIRECTORS and REGISTER_OF_SHAREHOLDERS documents for Public and Private companies when not required.

      • Starting August 14, businessDetails.additionalInfo.businessExtractCoveredStakeholder is no longer validated, allowing an application to be submitted without these two documents.
      • There are no longer any notes related to these documents in the remarks field in the response object of the Onboard Corporate Customer API.
      • An RFI will be raised if either of these documents is required. Typically, when the BUSINESS_REGISTRATION_DOC does not contain the details of directors and shareholders based on customer input.
      • See here for the complete list of required business documents for EU corporate customers.

    • EU, SG, and UK Individual Customer Onboarding has three additional parameters in the KYC redirect URL to help you better understand the status of a customer’s verification: errorCode, errorMessage, and isSuccess.

      • This is applicable for the eDocument verification flow in EU, UK, and SG and applicable for the eKYC flow in SG.
      • The isSuccess field is returned as true or false depending on the customer’s completion status of the verification flow with the vendor.
      • The errorCode and errorMessage fields are populated whenever isSuccess is false.

    • All new US corporate customers registered in Delaware and New Jersey require a CERTIFICATE_OF_GOOD_STANDING document. If not provided, this document appears in the remarks field in the response of the Onboard Corporate Customer API as shown below and the application stays in the IN_PROGRESS status until the document is provided.
          "clientId": "NIM1691559286485",
          "caseId": "e4f6f7be-8e75-4cbc-9db4-5032a8b0da9c",
          "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
          "remarks": "BUSINESS -> Certificate of Good Standing is expected for business entity Soylent Corporation6s3323, Please upload expected document.|KYC : SCREENING COMPLETED, ALIAS_KYC : SCREENING COMPLETED|VERIFIED",
          "customerHashId": "d08c856a-9dcf-46bb-be24-125d352459ba",
          "walletHashId": "337ffc84-dc5d-48fb-8471-2bd7cac3fd94",
          "redirectUrl": "",
          "errors": []


      Items available for testing in the sandbox environment:

      • The enums list added CERTIFICATE_OF_GOOD_STANDING, and the remarks field is available for missing documents for both eKYB and Manual KYB clients.
      • By August 22, Manual KYB clients can use the remarks field for CERTIFICATE_OF_GOOD_STANDING documents.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

August 1, 2023

  • New features

    • You can now use a new method to link a bank account for Debit ACH US through a micro-deposit. This option is especially beneficial in cases where instant verification is not supported. Your customer now has the flexibility to choose between two verification options: instant or micro-deposit. To support the micro-deposit option, you need to implement the Confirm Funding Instrument API. Once the micro-deposit is successfully delivered, a new webhook, DIRECT_DEBIT_MICRODEPOSIT_SUCCESSFUL is sent by Nium to notify you of the successful transaction. These enhancements aim to provide you and your customers with broader coverage and improved options for bank account verification.

    • Philippine peso(PHP) currency support is now enabled for collections and funding. You now have the option to call the Assign Payment ID API with the parameter bankName set as NETBANK_PH_PHP and the currencyCode set as PHP. This configuration allows your customers to generate a PHP virtual account, facilitating expanded payment processing and management.

  • New feature

    Introduced a new feature, Wallet to Wallet Transfers that enables fund transfers between Nium customers' wallets using the new Wallet to Wallet Transfer API. With this functionality, customers can easily transfer funds to another Nium onboarded customer. The sender and receiver of the funds can belong to the same client setup or different client setups onboarded with Nium, depending on their geographic presence.

    • This enhancement benefits global clients with multiple client setups on the platform. It allows customers across these client setups to conduct wallet-to-wallet transfers seamlessly, enhancing the overall user experience and facilitating smoother financial transactions.
    • Transferring funds between customers of the same client setup does not require any configuration changes within the client setup. However, for funds transfer between customers of different client setups, you need to contact your Nium representative. They can help you enable this feature, allowing your customers to utilize it seamlessly.


    Added a new enum value called "Travel related spending" in the parameter intendedUseOfAccount within the Unified Add Customer API. The new value will support individual customers' travel-related use cases. This addition better supports and accommodates various financial transactions related to travel expenses for our customers.

    Deprecation notices

    • In the Client Details API, the multiCurrencySupported field is being removed from the API's response object as it is an unused field and is set to false by default. This field was giving misleading information that the client does not have support for multiple currencies. Clients will see the currencies enabled for their setup in the currencies field of the response.
    • In the Unified Add Customer, Customer Details V2, and Customer List V3 APIs, the preferredName field has been changed from required to optional, meaning it is no longer required for customer onboarding purposes. You now have the flexibility to provide this information if needed, but it is not required when using the API for customer registration.
    • The P2P Transfer API is deprecated and becomes unsupported on January 31, 2023.