July 23, 2024

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • New Feature

    Account Verification

    We’ve released a new Account Verification request that helps you verify payee details while creating beneficiaries. This change helps you simplify your integration, removing the need for a separate integration dedicated to verifying account details.

    For more information, see Account Verification.


    Updates to the Fetch Supported Corridors V3 Request

    We’ve made the following changes to the Fetch Supported Corridors V3 request:

    • payoutMethodCategory query parameter: Helps you separate supported payout methods by corridor - for more information and a detailed breakdown, see the Nium playbook.
    • The query parameters beneficiaryAccountType, customerType, and payoutMethod have been made enums.

    For more information, see the Fetch Supported Corridors V3 request.

    New isOffMarket Parameter

    We’ve introduced a new isOffMarket field to help you understand when off-market fees get applied to Conversion and Quote requests.

    For more information, see FX - Overview.

July 9, 2024

  • Enhancement

    A new query parameter status has been released for the Virtual Account Details V2 request. With this new parameter, the active/inactive virtual accounts can be filtered by Clients.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

June 25, 2024

  • New Feature

    Reports are now available in Nium Portal. Reports enhance your financial management experience by providing detailed insights into your transactions. You can now track, analyze, and manage your financial activities with ease. For more information, see Reports.

    Breaking API Changes

    Starting October 1st, 2024, changes in Nium’s compliance policy will require additional documents and parameters to onboard corporate customers using the Onboard Corporate API. Please update your integration accordingly to avoid disruptions. If you have any questions, please contact your Nium account manager or Nium Support.

    • Current State: These documents and parameters are optional.
    • Future Requirement: From October 1st, 2024, these fields and parameters will be mandatory.
    • Changes to Nium: If the required documents and parameters are not included, the API will return an error indicating the missing documents and/or parameters.

    Changes to the Onboard Corporate API include:

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

May 28, 2024

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Enhancements

    • Fetch Card Details V2: Fetching details using the Card Details V2 endpoint now returns the demographics object. The demographics object only gets returned if the card is assigned to an employee but issued within a corporate customer's wallet. For more information, see Card Details V2.

      Detials that get returned in the demographics object includes:

      • firstName
      • middleName
      • lastName
      • nameOnCard
      • email
      • mobile

  • New Features

    • Direct Debit is now available for Singaporean (SG) customers. Direct Debit enables SG-based businesses to fund their Nium wallets using their Singaporean SG) bank account in real time.

      • The transaction type for Direct Debit transactions is WALLET_CREDIT_MODE_DIRECT_DEBIT.
      • Reach out to your Nium account manager for details on how to activate Direct Debit.
      • For more information, see Direct Debit SG.


    • Maximum limit for INR Proxy (UPI) transactions has been increased to INR 200,000 from INR 100,000. For more information, see the Nium - India Playbook.

April 30, 2024

  • Enhancements

    • We’ve introduced three new reasons you can include when permanently blocking a customer:

      • DORMANCY
      • OTHER

    • Moving forward, when PERMANENT_BLOCK is used, the customer's account will be considered closed, and they can no longer process any further activity.

    • Applications rejected due to high risk or non-compliance will now be blocked from being resubmitted. Previously, such applications could be resubmitted but were rejected by our compliance team after review. With this change, applications that have been previously rejected will automatically be rejected without any wait.

  • Enhancements

    • We’ve released two new webhook events to help you manage cards:

      • Card Details Updated: This event is triggered to notify the client or cardholder when any card details are updated. For more details, see Card Details Updated.
      • Card Expiry Alert: This event is triggered when a card is approaching its expiration date. For more details, see Card Expiry Alert.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

April 16, 2024

  • Enhancements

    • Our eKYC Onboarding APIs are now available for individual customers in Canada. For more details, see CA onboarding.

    • Our OpenAPI spec is now available on GitHub. You can download and review our OpenAPI spec to help you build your integration with Nium. For more details, see our Nium OpenAPI repo.

    • We've added ▶ Run in Postman buttons to several guides. These buttons give you quick access to our Postman collection and enable you to see how requests run in real-time. For an example, see Individual Customer Onboarding.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Enhancement

    • We've added additional fields to the remitter object used in the Transfer Money request to provide more details about the payout sender. Fields added include:

      • idExpiryDate
      • idIssueDate
      • originatingFICity
      • originatingFICountry

      For more details, see Transfer Money.

Mar 5, 2024

  • New Features

    • Clients can now manually execute FX conversions. With this change, you're given greater control and flexibility over how funds get converted in customer wallets and the associated settlement timeframes.

      • Pass the new ExecutionType field when making requests to the /Quote API to indicate a manual scheduled FX conversion. This field defaults to at_conversion_time if nothing is passed.
      • Manual scheduled FX conversions must be executed using the /Execute endpoint (within the ExpiryTime to transfer funds from the source currency to the destination currency within the wallet.
        • New fields:
          • ExecutionType: Set to at_conversion_time for timed conversions and manual for manual FX conversions.
          • ExpiryTime: This is a timestamp that indicates when the FX conversion expires. Manual conversions must be executed before this time.
      • We've also updated the following APIs:


  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Enhancements

    • We've released a new version of our Fetch Supported Corridors API. This new version provides greater details about the corridor being used. Changes include:

      • Adding a mandatoryDataRequirements and supportingDocuments field.
      • Adding specifics around the transaction's limitations and turnaround time.
      For more information, see Fetch Supported Corridors V3.

    • We've added the following query parameters to the Beneficiary List V2 endpoint.

      • beneficiaryName
      • beneficiaryAccountNumber
      • destinationCurrency
      • payoutMethod

    Deprecation Notices

Feb 20, 2024

  • Enhancements

  • Enhancements

    You can now use PGP keys (also called RSA security) to transmit sensitive data.

    For more details, see PGP Prerequisites.

  • API breaking changes

    • We've removed the BEN enum from the payout#swiftFeeType field in the Transfer Money request.

Feb 6, 2024

  • New features

    • We have introduced a new feature to Nium Portal called Batch Payouts. With batch payouts, you can now effortlessly process multiple transactions in one go while ensuring all your payouts are handled seamlessly. Learn more about batch payouts from our blog.

      For details on how to create batch payouts, see Batch Payouts.

    • We've released a Postman collection for all Nium APIs. Use the collection to build your integration.

      For more information, see Postman collection

  • New feature

    We've released several new APIs related to Card Security and 3DS authentication.

    These new APIs enable you to send and receive data in more secure manner (e.g RSA encrypted). For more information, see the following from our API reference:


    We've made some improvments and fixes to our Google Pay Push Provisioning SDK to support EU and UK address verification.

    For details on our Google Pay Push Provisioning SDK, see Google Pay Push Provisioning.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

Jan 23, 2024

  • New feature

    We have introduced a new Webhook event type called CUSTOMER_COMPLIANCE_STATUS applicable for individual customers. This event is triggered when there is a change to the individual customer's compliance status. For more information, see the Customer compliance status event in our API reference.

    Prior to this change you had to configure a separate URL to receive the customer compliance status from Nium. The new event update will improve the developer experience by simplifying the number of integration steps. You can now use the same URL configured to receive all Webhook events and subscribe to the new event.

    You can also subscribe to the event type CARD_CLIENT_KYB_STATUS_WEBHOOK to receive the compliance status of corporate customers. The Callback to receive customer compliance status will continue to be supported.


    We have introduced two new fields - ClientMarkupRate and MarkupRate - to help you apply FX markup rates to your customers.

    • The ClientMarkupRate is the markup rate you negotiated with Nium.
    • The MarkupRate field details the FX markup fees configured for your customer.
    • If there are no fees configured for your customer, the MarkupRate will default to the ClientMarkupRate.

    Both fields can be found in the response body of the following APIs:

    Having these fields readily available offers a convenient way to charge FX markup fees to your customers and helps you further monetize your FX services for revenue generation.

  • There are no changes for this time period.

  • Other Changes

    Enabled local Nigerian Naira (NGN) payouts to Nigeria for person-to-person (P2P) and business-to-person (B2P) use cases.