This event is triggered whenever any transaction is declined. See Decline Reasons for a list of reasons why transactions can get declined.
Field | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cardHashId": "a344b0c8-d27d-4db5-8194-aacdefb558ca",
"cardNumber": "4001-35xx-xxxx-1950",
"transactionCurrency": "SGD",
"transactionAmount": "10.00",
"transactionDateTime": "2020-09-29 09:24:46",
"postDateTime": "2020-09-29 09:24:46",
"transactionClass": "POS",
"billingCurrency": "SGD",
"billingAmount": "10.0",
"mcc": "5499",
"merchantName": "Frankie Tibbs",
"merchantCity": "MUMBAI",
"merchantCountry": "IN",
"merchantId": "12345678",
"terminalId": "09876545",
"authCode": "114733",
"rhaTransactionId": "55648c70-fa9a-4a4d-aaf6-618174c319d2",
"declineReason": "03 - Invalid or Wrong PIN",
Fields | Description | Type |
name | The name of a client. | String |
customerHashId | The unique customer identifier that's generated on customer creation. | UUID |
walletHashId | The unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with customer creation. | UUID |
cardHashId | The unique card identifier that's generated while new/add-on card issuance. | UUID |
cardNumber | The 16-digit masked card number in the 1234-56xx-xxxx-3456 format. | String |
transactionCurrency | The three-letter ISO-4217 transaction currency code. | String |
transactionAmount | The transaction amount. | String |
transactionClass | The type of transaction. Available values include: | String |
transactionDate | The transaction date and time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Coordinated Universal Time format. | String |
balanceCurrency | The three-letter ISO-4217 currency code for the wallet balance. | String |
postAuthAmount | Currency authorized for the transaction. | String |
postAuthAmount | Amount authorized for the transaction. | String |
walletBalance | The available balance in the wallet. | String |
mcc | The four-digit merchant category code. | String |
merchantName | The merchant name. | String |
merchantId | The unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with merchant creation. | |
merchantCountry | The two-letter ISO country code for the merchant country. | String |
merchantCity | The city where the merchant is located. | String |
authCode | The authorization code of the transaction. | String |
effectiveAuthAmount | The authorization amount value in addition to fees such as transaction markup, e-commerce fees, etc. | String |
rhaTransactionId | The unique transaction ID for Delegated Model authorization clients. This is empty only for wallet clients. | UUID |
declineReason | Details why the transactions was declined. Available values include: - 01 - Insufficient Funds @ Nium
- 02 - Insufficient Funds @ Client
- 03 - Invalid or Wrong PIN
- 04 - PIN Tries Exceeded limits
- 05 - PIN Blocked
- 06 - Daily Transaction Limit exceeded
- 07 - Monthly Transaction Limit exceeded
- 08 - Single Transaction Amount Limit exceeded
- 09 - Invalid CVV2
- 10 - Invalid Expiry Date
- 11 - Transaction not allowed in particular channel
- 12 - Transaction not allowed in particular MCC
- 13 - Transaction not supported
- 14 - SCA Limits exceeded
- 15 - Transaction restricted
- 16 - Card not Activated
- 17 - Card has been temporarily blocked
- 18 - Card has been permanently blocked
- 19 - Card has expired
- 20 - Fraud system declined
- 21 - Invalid CHIP or CHIP Failure
- 22 - Invalid Magnetic Stripe swipe or Magnetic Stripe was not read properly
- 99 - System down
| |
template | Set to CARD_POS_APPROVED_WEBHOOK for this event. | String |
Transactions can get declined for any of the following reasons:
Reason | Description |
01 - Insufficient Funds @ Nium | Insufficient funds in the Nium account. |
02 - Insufficient Funds @ Client | Insufficient funds in the client account. |
03 - Invalid or Wrong PIN | The PIN entered is incorrect. |
04 - PIN Tries Exceeded limits | The number of allowed PIN attempts has been exceeded. |
05 - PIN Blocked | The PIN has been blocked due to multiple incorrect attempts. |
06 - Daily Transaction Limit exceeded | The daily transaction limit has been exceeded. |
07 - Monthly Transaction Limit exceeded | The monthly transaction limit has been exceeded. |
08 - Single Transaction Amount Limit exceeded | The amount for a single transaction exceeds the allowed limit. |
09 - Invalid CVV2 | The CVV2 code entered is invalid. |
10 - Invalid Expiry Date | The expiry date entered is invalid. |
11 - Transaction not allowed in particular channel | This transaction type is not allowed in this channel. |
12 - Transaction not allowed in particular MCC | Transactions are not allowed for this Merchant Category Code (MCC). |
13 - Transaction not supported | This type of transaction is not supported. |
14 - SCA Limits exceeded | The Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) limits have been exceeded. |
15 - Transaction restricted | This transaction is restricted. |
16 - Card not Activated | The card has not been activated. |
17 - Card has been temporarily blocked | The card has been temporarily blocked. |
18 - Card has been permanently blocked | The card has been permanently blocked. |
19 - Card has expired | The card has expired. |
20 - Fraud system declined | The transaction was declined by our fraud detection system. |
21 - Invalid CHIP or CHIP Failure | The card's chip is invalid or has failed. |
22 - Invalid Magnetic Stripe swipe or Magnetic Stripe was not read properly | The magnetic stripe swipe is invalid or was not read properly. |
99 - System down | An unkown system issue is causing transactions to get declined. |