Card Unblock Pin

This event is triggered when the PIN of a card has been unblocked and can be used in transactions again.




Request example

curl --location 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name": "John Doe",
    "brandName": "ABC MERCHANT USA",
    "cardNumber": "4001-35xx-xxxx-1950",
    "cardHashId": "0de1e512-e0d7-4eca-ad41-dd39325facc2",
    "customerHashId": "0de1e512-e0d7-4eca-ad41-dd39325facc2",
    "walletHashId": "0de1e512-e0d7-4eca-ad41-dd39325facc2",
    "template": "CARD_UNBLOCK_PIN_WEBHOOK"

Request body

nameThis field contains the name of a client.String
brandNameThis field contains the brand name of the client's company name.String
cardNumberThis is the 16-digit masked card number in the 1234-56xx-xxxx-3456 format.String
cardHashIdThe unique card identifier that's generated during new/add-on card issuance.UUID
customerHashIdThe unique customer identifier that's generated on customer creation.UUID
walletHashIdThe unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with customer creation.UUID
templateThe value for this field is CARD_UNBLOCK_PIN_WEBHOOK.String