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A transaction, in the Nium One platform, is a record of a debit or credit event that impacts the wallet balance. The platform supports a number of transaction types.


Refer to the Card transactions guide to learn more about transaction types and examples.
Refer to Client transactions to learn more about client transactions and examples.


Remittance_DebitThe debit from the wallet for remittance to one's own account.
Remittance_Debit_ExternalThe debit from the wallet for remittance to another account.
Remittance_ReversalThe reversal of a remittance transaction.


Wallet_Credit_Mode_CardThe fund credit to a wallet using a card.
Wallet_Credit_Mode_PrefundThe fund credit to a wallet using a client prefund.
Wallet_Credit_Mode_Prefund_Cross_CurrencyThe cross-currency fund credit to a wallet using a client prefund.
Wallet_Credit_Mode_OfflineThe fund credit to a wallet using an offline mode, such as a bank transfer, from the customer’s own account.
Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline_Cross_CurrencyThe cross-currency fund credit to a wallet using an offline mode, such as a bank transfer, from the customer’s own account.
Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline_ThirdPartyThe fund credit to a wallet, in the same currency, using an offline mode, such as a bank transfer from a third party.

Foreign exchange (FX) conversion

When the balance transfer within the wallet API is triggered, the system creates one record and captures the details about the from-account or the to-amount.

Wallet_Fund_TransferThe fund transfer within a wallet, from one currency pool to another.

Wallet-to-wallet transfers

When a wallet-to-wallet transfer is executed using the Fund Transfer API, the system creates two records.

  • Debit in the sender's wallet
  • Credit in the receiver's wallet
Customer_Wallet_Credit_Fund_TransferThe funds received in the wallet from another customer’s wallet of the same client.
Customer_Wallet_Debit_Fund_TransferThe funds sent from a wallet to another customer’s wallet of the same client.
Customer_Wallet_Debit_Intra_RegionThe funds sent from a wallet to another customer’s wallet of a different client but of the same regulatory region.
Customer_Wallet_Credit_Intra_RegionThe funds received from a wallet to another customer’s wallet of a different client but of the same regulatory region.
Customer_Wallet_Debit_Cross_RegionThe funds sent from a wallet to another customer’s wallet of a different client and of a different regulatory region.
Customer_Wallet_Credit_Cross_RegionThe funds received from a wallet to another customer’s wallet of a different client and of a different regulatory region.

Client funding

Client_PrefundThe credit to the client-pool balance.
Client_RefundThe deduction from the client-pool balance which transfers to the client.
Wallet_RefundThe refund money from the wallet back to the client.


Fee_DebitThe fee that's deducted for a transaction.
Fee_ReversalThe reversal of a fee debit transaction.
Fee_WaiverThe fee that's waived for a transaction.

Open banking

Transfer_LocalThe local payments are debited from the wallet through the Payment Initiation Service (PIS) open banking.
Transfer_Local_ReversalThe local payments are credited or reversed from the wallet through the PIS open banking.


Regulator_Auto_SweepFor European Economic Area (EEA) regulatory requirements, this transaction includes the amount moved from any other currency to the European Monetary Unit (EUR). This is the requested block currency by the regulator, in case of a block instruction. In addition, this is valid if there's insufficient balance in EUR for blocking.
Regulatory_BlockFor EEA regulatory requirements, this transaction includes the amount moved to the blocked amount from EUR. This is the requested block currency by the regulator, in case of a block instruction.
Regulatory_DebitFor EEA regulatory requirements, this transaction includes the amount debited from the block amount or wallet balance of EUR. This is the requested block currency by the regulator. This is valid when the regulator asks to send the blocked amount to a beneficiary.
Regulatory_Debit_ReversalFor EEA regulatory requirements, this transaction includes the amount returned in case of a failed Regulatory_Debit remittance.


Payout transactions

ScenarioTransaction record created by the platform
The account holder submits a payout instruction.The Nium One platform validates and processes the payout instruction. If the instruction can be accepted for processing, the platform creates a Remittance_Debit, if purposeCode is a transfer-to-own account. The platform can also create a Remittance_Debit_External, if the purposeCode isn't a transfer-to-own account transaction. If fees are configured and can be applied, the -latform also creates the necessary Fee_Debit transaction.
The payout instruction is returned. This could be for various reasons, including rejected or returned-by-the- beneficiary's bank.The platform creates a new transaction such as a Remittance_Reversal record or a credit record with the settlement status set to Released. The original remittance transaction record, Remittance_Debit or Remittance_Debit_External, is retained, and the settlement status, in the original transaction, is set to Released`.

Payin transactions

ScenarioTransaction record created by the platform
When the account holder receives money using a Virtual Account Number (VAN) assigned to the account holder's walletThe platform creates a Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline transaction record, where the account holder is the sender and the platform is able to match or a Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline_ThirdParty transaction record, where the sender isn't the account holder or the platform is unable to match. If fees are configured and can be applied, the platform also creates the necessary Fee_Debit transaction.

Non-card transaction types

P2P transfers: When a P2P transfer is executed, using the P2P Transfer API, the system creates two records, one for the debit leg and one for the credit leg:

  • A Customer_Wallet_Debit_Fund_Transfer transaction record is created in the sender’s wallet.
  • A Customer_Wallet_Credit_Fund_Transfer transaction record is created in the receiver’s wallet.

Currency exchange within wallet: When the balance transfer within the wallet API is triggered, the system creates one record and captures the details about the from-to account or the to-amount.

  • A Wallet_Fund_Transfer transaction record is created in the account holder’s wallet.

Payout, remittance, transfer money: When a transfer operation is executed using the Transfer Money API.

  • The system creates either a Remittance_Debit or Remittance_Debit_External transaction record. The system also creates a Fee_Debit transaction record, if any fee is applicable for processing the remittance transaction. These transactions have debit impacts on the account holder’s wallet.

Pay in, Receive, Collect: When the account holder receives money using a VAN assigned to the account holder's wallet.

  • The system creates a Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline transaction record. The account holder is the sender and the system matches. The Wallet_Credit_Mode_Offline_ThirdParty transaction record is where the sender isn't the account holder or the system is unable to match.

Moving funds between the client prefund and the account holder’s wallet and vice versa

  • When, by using the Fund Wallet - HYPERLINK - (apis-reference-fundwallet) API fundingchannel prefund, the funds are moved from the client-prefund account to the account holder’s wallet. The system then creates a Wallet_Credit_Mode_Prefund transaction record.
  • When, by using the Withdraw Funds From Wallet - HYPERLINK - (apis-reference-fundwallet) API refundMode: CASH, the funds are removed from the account holder's wallet and returned to the client prefund. The system then creates a Wallet_Refund transaction record.