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Transaction Statuses

Every transaction in the platform has two status data elements.

  • Transaction status
  • Settlement status

In this page, we will cover the different types of transaction status, settlement status, and the mapping between transaction and settlement status.

Transaction status

APPROVEDThe transaction authorization is successful.
BLOCKEDThe transaction is blocked based on a rule or risk policy. Blocked typically only applies to card transactions that are declined due to certain restrictions maintained as part of a rule or internal risk policy.
CANCELLEDThe transaction is cancelled by the customer.
DECLINEDThe transaction authorization is unsuccessful. The declined transaction status applies to these situations:
  • Card transactions are declined due to insufficient wallet balance.
  • The velocity limits are getting exceeded.
  • The declined response is received from the client under the remote-host authorization model.
  • The received transaction is declined due to funding limits getting exceeded.
  • The received transaction is declined under the transaction monitoring checks.
  • The payout transactions are declined under the transaction monitoring checks.
  • A P2P transaction is declined due to the transaction monitoring checks.
ERRORAn error occurred while processing the transaction.
INITIATEDThe transaction is initiated for processing.
PENDINGThe Transaction is on hold. The pending transaction status applies to these situations: \n \n
  • For Receive, Payout, or Wallet-to-Wallet Transfer transactions awaiting clearance from internal transaction monitoring checks
  • Receive transactions where customers are trying to fund their wallet by charging their credit/debit card (Wallet_Credit_Mode_Card) wherever allowed and where the transaction is awaiting a response from the respective credit/debit card issuer subject to the customer completing the necessary authentication leg required by the issuer
  • Spend transactions captured as part of settlement posting (Settlement_Direct_Debit / Settlement_Reversal / Settlement_Direct_Reversal / Settlement_Debit / Settlement_Credit) awaiting manual review and clearance
  • REJECTEDA payin or payout transaction that's rejected based on the rules set by Nium platform. The Rejected status doesn't apply to card transactions.

    Settlement status

    These are the possible values of the settlement status:

    DISPUTEDCardOnly in the case a dispute is raised for a transaction.
    DISPUTE CLOSEDCardA dispute is raised on a transaction that's now closed.
    RELEASEDPayout, Payin, CardThe transaction is released, such as after a reversal.
    SETTLEDPayout, Payin, CardThe transaction is settled with the scheme.
    UNSETTLEDPayout, Payin, CardThe transaction is yet to be settled with the scheme.
    WAIVEDPayout, Payin, CardThe card operations have waived a fee. The corresponding Fee_Debit transaction is waived.

    Mapping between transaction status and settlement status

    Transaction statusSettlement statusDescription
    APPROVEDUNSETTLEDThe initial settlement status of a transaction that has been successfully processed by Nium. There is a possibility for the transaction to either be settled or released.
    APPROVEDSETTLEDThe status of a transaction after it has been settled through a card scheme for card transactions or paid to a beneficiary for wallet transactions.
    APPROVEDRELEASEDThe status of a transaction after it has been reversed or canceled due to various reasons.
    APPROVEDWAIVEDThis applies specifically to Fee_Debit transactions in cases where Nium operations team has waived a fee. In such instances, the corresponding Fee_Debit transaction will have its settlement status updated from "Settled" to "Waived."
    APPROVEDDISPUTEDThe settlement status is updated from "Settled" to "Disputed" only when a dispute is raised for a transaction.
    APPROVEDDISPUTE CLOSEDThe settlement status is updated from "Disputed" to "Dispute Closed" only when the disputed transaction is resolved and closed.
    DECLINEDUNSETTLEDDeclined is a final state for a transaction and it will remain unsettled.
    PENDINGUNSETTLEDThe status of a transaction when it's in a pending state due to various reasons, primarily awaiting compliance review, can potentially be updated to "Approved" or "Declined."
    PENDING -> APPROVEDUNSETTLED -> SETTLED or RELEASEDWhen compliance approves the pending transaction, the transaction status transitions from "Pending" to "Approved." The settlement status remains initially "Unsettled" and will subsequently be updated to "Settled" or "Released" depending on the final status.
    PENDING -> DECLINEDUNSETTLEDAfter compliance reviews and declines the pending transaction, the transaction status changes from "Pending" to "Declined," while the settlement status remains the same as "Unsettled."
    PENDING -> REJECTEDUNSETTLEDThe payout or payin transaction is rejected based on the rules in the Nium platform. This status is not applicable for Card transactions.
    BLOCKEDUNSETTLEDThe transaction is blocked due to some rules or risk policies.