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Run in Postman

Using Nium, clients and customers use Payouts to send money to over 220 countries. They can also make payments in real-time and on-demand in over 100 countries.

Payouts happen in real time as part of an instantaneous money-movement effort. This movement automatically sends money from the source to the destination during the transaction process.

Clients and customers can use Payouts to send funds to their beneficiaries. Payouts are available for both corporations and individuals and support the following transaction types:

  • Individual to Individual (P2P): Also known as Peer-to-Peer or Person-to-Person transactions.
  • Corporate to Individual (B2P): Also known as Business-to-Person transactions.
  • Corporate to Corporate (B2B): Also known as Business-to-Business transactions.
  • Individual to Corporate (P2B): Also known as Person-to-Business transactions

The payments get disbursed to your beneficiaries' bank accounts, cards, cash flows, and digital wallets.

Payouts Overview


Payouts are available for over 100 currencies:

  • Local Automated Clearing House (ACH) to bank accounts — 101 countries
  • Local currency wires to bank accounts — eight countries
  • Foreign currency wires to bank accounts — ten currencies, 226 countries
  • Visa Direct — 87 countries
  • Wallets or proxies (mobile number, email address, or ID) — 21 countries
  • Paper checks - one country

Payout corridors

See The Nium Playbook for all the available corridors in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific countries. Send money with the Nium platform—filter by country or payout method to explore our offerings.

Payout methods

Payouts support the following payment methods:

Payment MethodpayoutMethod valueDescription
CardCARDISA Direct Debit Cards or China UnionPay Cards
Local bank accountsLOCAL- Local clearing systems to transfer funds electronically (e.g., ACH)
- Local currency wires to bank accounts
ProxyPROXYTransfers to a national ID, mobile number, or email address
SWIFT (foreign currency wires)SWIFTTransfers through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
WalletWALLETStored value wallets

The following diagram shows Payouts using different payment methods.

Payout Methods

Payout execution

To execute a payout, you need:

  • A remitter or source.
  • A payment method enabled with payout capabilities.
  • An FX markup configuration per currency pair.
  • A payout fee based on the payment method.
  • Nium validation services to monitor transactions and a payment partner interface. Nium One has partnered with over 60 payment validation services.
  • A beneficiary or destination.

If you have any questions about using Payouts on Nium One, reach out to Nium Support at any time.

Foreign exchange

For international payouts, our foreign exchange (FX) service automatically converts currencies, streamlining cross-border transfers.

For example, a client wants to pay S$5,000 (Singapore dollars) to employees in Singapore from a wallet with $10,000 (United States dollars).

Using Payouts on Nium One, you send the money for the payment from your USD wallet with $10K to the SGD wallet that has no money. As part of this transaction, your payment goes through the required foreign exchange (FX) money conversion, which happens during the Exchange Rate Lock And Hold API call before the payout transaction.

The FX rate from USD to SGD is $1 USD to $1.33 SGD. So, $5,000 SGD is equivalent to $3,707 USD. Submitting a $3,707 USD payout to an SGD wallet results in a S$5,000 payout.

The FX rate used is taken from Reuters® FX service every day of the week, 24/7-including weekends and holiday-with a refresh cycle rate of 15 minutes. The FX rate is based on the currencies used pairs between the source and destination.

  • The payout fee calculation is done in real-time during the transaction.
  • Additional configurations are available for Payouts based on the payment methods used.

Nium Portal

You can also use Nium Portal to create a submit payouts. This is helpful for users with less technical expertise that want to avoid the need to build and integration with the Nium API.

For more details, see Nium Portal - Payouts.