Transaction Response Labels
The field labels in the response of the Payouts is an object consisting of various key-value pairs depending upon the transaction type. We add new labels to this list as we support more use cases. The possible values are as follows:
– A –
Label | Description |
accountName | This field contains the account holder name for a refund. |
accountNumber | This field contains the account number for a refund. |
– B –
Label | Description |
bankCode | This field contains the bank code for a refund. |
bankName | This field contains the bank name for a refund. |
beneficiaryCardType | This field contains the beneficiary card type for remittance transactions. The possible values are |
beneficiaryContact | This field contains the mobile number of the beneficiary. |
beneficiaryCountry | This field contains the 2-letter ISO-2 country code of the beneficiary. |
beneficiaryEmailId | This field contains the email address of the beneficiary. |
beneficiaryId | This field contains the unique beneficiary ID for remittance transactions. |
beneficiaryName | This field contains the beneficiary's name for remittance transactions. |
– C –
Label | Description |
clientReferenceNumber | This field contains the internal transaction reference number of the client wherever sent. |
customerComments | This field contains the customer comments for the transaction. |
customFeeName | This field contains any custom fee and accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces. The minimum length is 5 characters, and the maximum length is 30 characters. |
– D –
Label | Description |
declineCode | This field contains the code for a declined transaction. |
declineType | This field contains the type of decline for a transaction. |
destinationCountry | This field contains the 2-letter ISO-2 country code of the destination country. |
disputeAction | This field contains the action taken on the disputed transaction. |
disputeActionAmount | This field contains the disputeAction amount of the disputed transaction. |
disputeActionCurrency | This field contains the disputeAction currency of the disputed transaction. |
disputeAmount | This field contains the amount of the disputed transaction. |
disputeCurrency | This field contains the currency of the disputed transaction. |
disputeDate | This field contains the date of the disputed transaction. |
disputeReason | This field contains the reason for the disputed transaction. |
– E –
Label | Description |
ecbExchangeRate | This field contains the exchange rate quoted by the ECB. |
ecbMarkupRate | This field contains the difference between the transactionExchangeRate and the ecbCurrencyExchangeRate rates expressed in percentage where: \n ecbMarkupRate = (ecbCurrencyExchangeRate - transactionExchangeRate ) / ecbCurrencyExchangeRate |
exchangeRate | This field contains the gross exchange rate applicable for a transaction. |
– F –
Label | Description |
feeName | This field contains the name of the fee charged. |
feePeriod | This field contains the period for which the fee is charged in the MMM-YYYY format. |
– L –
Label | Description |
linkedMaskedCardNumber | This field contains the masked card number of the linked card. |
– M –
Label | Description |
markupRate | This field contains the applicable markup rate on a transaction. |
– N –
Label | Description |
narrative | This field contains the comments entered while sending money to a virtual account number, if received from a partner bank. |
netExchangeRate | This field contains the net exchange rate applicable for a transaction after considering markup, if any. |
– O –
Label | Description |
originalAuthorizationCode | This field contains the authorization code for the original transaction. |
– P –
Label | Description |
payoutMethod | This field contains the payout method requested. |
payoutWalletName | This field contains the wallet name of the beneficiary where payout has been made. |
proxyName | This field contains the name for proxy method. The possible values are: |
proxyType | This field contains the proxy type sent in the payment request. |
proxyValue | This field indicates the proxy value sent in the payment request. |
– R –
Label | Description |
receiverCustomerHashId | This field contains the unique customerHashId of the receiver. |
receiverFirstName | This field contains the receiver's first name. |
receiverLastName | This field contains the receiver's last name. |
– S –
Label | Description |
senderCustomerHashId | This field contains the unique customerHashId of the sender. |
senderFirstName | This field contains the sender's first name. |
senderLastName | This field contains the sender's last name. |
sourceOfFunds | This field contains the source of funds as declared while initiating a remittance transaction. |
swiftFeeType | This field indicates the swift fee type applied in a remittance transaction. |
– T –
Label | Description |
transactionExchangeRate | The transaction exchange rate applied on the transaction. |