Remit Transaction Returned
This event is triggered when a remittance transaction is returned.
Field | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request example
curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"transactionCurrency": "EUR",
"billingAmount": "2255.00",
"beneficiaryAccountNumber": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4200",
"errorDescription": "",
"remitter": {
"address": "EXAMPLE STREET 42",
"countryCode": "FR",
"dob": "1985-09-15",
"accountType": "CORPORATE",
"contactNumber": "33123456789",
"identificationNumber": "RCS 123 456 789 (Paris)",
"systemReferenceNumber": "ZL1GX90938293",
"errorCode": "AC03",
"walletHashId": "f46lb211-6e23-99ba-6356-8gb9t6s76458",
"tags": [],
"customerHashId": "0f5a988e-c99a-4ce5-4ab7-b769e182de6f",
"errorReasonCode": "Wrong IBAN in SCT",
"exchangeRate": "1.000000000",
"billingCurrency": "EUR",
"beneficiaryName": "John Smith",
"beneficiaryBankName": "Sprout Bank",
"transactionAmount": "2255.00",
"clientHashId": "ecc9841c-c0df-c6e4-86f4-b320180d9859",
"externalId" : "Custom1245"
Event body
Field | Description | Type |
beneficiaryAccountNumber | The bank account number of the beneficiary. | String |
beneficiaryBankName | The bank name of the beneficiary. | String |
beneficiaryName | The name of the beneficiary. | String |
billingAmount | The source amount in case of a remittance. | String |
billingCurrency | The three-letter ISO-4217 currency code for the wallet balance. | String |
clientHashId | The unique client identifier that's generated and shared before API handshake. | UUID |
customerHashId | The unique customer identifier that's generated on customer creation. | UUID |
errorCode | The ISO-standard error code. | String |
errorDescription | A description of the corresponding ISO error code. | String |
errorReasonCode | The reason the ISO error was triggered, explaining why the transaction was returned. | String |
exchangeRate | The exchange rate from the source currency to the destination currency, for example, 1 USD is equivalent to 1.392 SGD. | String |
systemReferenceNumber | This is a unique system reference number generated by the card issuance platform for the transaction. | String |
remitter | The details of the remitter for on-behalf payouts; a remitter is the individual who initiated the transaction. | Object |
template | The value for this field is REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_WEBHOOK . | String |
tags | Custom tags & values applied by the client when the transaction was initiated. Maximum 15 key-value pairs can be sent in tags. | Array |
transactionAmount | The destination amount in case of a remittance. | String |
transactionCurrency | The three-letter ISO-4217 transaction currency code. | String |
walletHashId | The unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with customer creation. | UUID |
externalId | A unique identifier provided by you to track requests or transactions. Refer to externalId field of Transfers API. | String |
Remitter object
Field | Description | Type |
accountType | The type of account, such as CORPORATE . | String |
address | The entity’s street address. | String |
contactNumber | The entity’s or individual’s phone number. | String |
countryCode | The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | String |
dob | The individual’s date of birth or the company’s founding date (YYYY-MM-DD ). | String |
identificationNumber | The unique number from the customer’s identification document, such as a business registration or driver's license. | String |
identificationType | The type of identification, such as a business registration number or driver's license. | String |
name | The legal name of the entity or individual. | String |