Nium supports three types of system-generated notifications, which are similar to trigger alerts that are sent in response to a specific user action or event.
- Email notifications
- SMS notifications
- Webhooks notifications
Email notifications
Nium can trigger different types of customer notifications through email. The notifications follow the default Nium template but can be customized or turned off based on the client's needs.
SMS notifications
Nium can send Short Message Service (SMS) notifications to customers only for the 3D Secure (3DS) One Time Password (OTP) protocol or the Visa Token Service (VTS) for Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Webhooks notifications
Nium provides webhooks to trigger email, SMS, or in-app notifications. Refer to the Webhooks overview guide.
The following table summarizes different scenarios and corresponding notifications triggered with SMS:
Scenario                                                             | Email template | Webhook | SMS |
This template is triggered while adding a card to Google Pay. See note above. | CARD_GOOGLEPAY_EMAIL | VTS Token | |
3DS OTP during 3DS online transaction (Version 2 is currently in use). | CARD_SAMPLE_EMAIL | 3DS OTP | |
3DS OTP during 3DS online transaction. | CARD_3DS_OTP_EMAIL | 3DS OTP | |
VTS OTP during VTP provisioning. | CARD_VTS_PROVISION_EMAIL | VTS Token |
The following table summarizes different scenarios and corresponding notifications triggered without SMS:
Scenario                                                             | Email template | Webhook |
The cardholder makes a balance transfer from one currency wallet to another currency wallet. This is applicable to the multi-currency program. | CARD_BALANCE_TRF_BETWEEN_CURRENCIES_ WITHIN_SAME_WALLET_EMAIL | Balance Transfer within Wallet |
This template is triggered when a customer is registered. | CARD_CUSTOMER_REGISTRATION_EMAIL | Customer Registration |
This template is triggered during a client prefund-request notification. | CARD_PRE_FUND_APPROVAL_EMAIL | Prefund Approval |
This template is triggered when the wallet is funded. | CARD_WALLET_FUNDING_EMAIL | Wallet Funding |
This template is triggered in the event of wallet encashment. | CARD_WALLET_ENCASHMENT_EMAIL | Wallet Encashment |
This template is triggered when a balance transfer happens within a customer's wallet. | CARD_BALANCE_TRF_BETWEEN_CURRENCIES_ WITHIN_SAME_WALLET_EMAIL | Balance Transfer Within Wallet |
This template is triggered when a transfer between two customers occurs under the same client program. | CARD_P2P_TRANSFER_BETWEEN_WALLETS_EMAIL | P2P Transfer Between Wallets |
This template is triggered when a physical card is assigned to a customer. | CARD_ASSIGN_CARD_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when an ADD-ON card is issued using the Add Card API. | CARD_ADD_ON_CARD_ISSUE_EMAIL | Add On Card |
This template is triggered when the card's Personal Identification Number (PIN) is set. | CARD_SET_PIN_EMAIL | Set Pin |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to an incorrect PIN. | CARD_PIN_BLOCK_DECLINE_EMAIL | Pin Block Decline |
This template is triggered when the card is replaced using the Issue Replacement Card API. | CARD_CARD_REPLACEMENT_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when the card is temporarily blocked. | CARD_TEMPORARY_BLOCK_EMAIL | Temporary Block |
This template is triggered when a temporarily blocked card is removed. | CARD_TEMPORARY_BLOCK_REMOVAL_EMAIL | Temporary Block Removal |
This template is triggered when the card is permanently blocked. | CARD_PERMANENT_BLOCK_EMAIL | Permanent Block |
This template is triggered when the permanently blocked card is being replaced with a new card. | CARD_PERMANENT_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when the POS transaction is approved. | CARD_POS_APPROVED_EMAIL | POS Approved |
This template is triggered when the transaction is through an ATM. | CARD_ATM_APPROVED_EMAIL | ATM Approved |
This template is triggered on successful VTS provisioning for Apple Pay. | CARD_ADD_CARD_CONFIRMATION_APPLEPAY_EMAIL | VTS Provisioning walletProvider = applePay |
This template is triggered on successful VTS provisioning for Google Pay. | CARD_ADD_CARD_CONFIRMATION_GOOGLEPAY_EMAIL | VTS Provisioning walletProvider = googlePay |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to a blocked card. | CARD_BLOCK_CARD_DECLINE_EMAIL | Block Decline |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to an inactive card. | CARD_INACTIVE_CARD_DECLINE_EMAIL | Inactive Decline |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to insufficient funds. | CARD_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_DECLINED_EMAIL | Insufficient Funds Declined |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined because the card is expired. | CARD_EXPIRED_CARD_EMAIL | Expired Card |
This template is triggered when the card restricts the transactions. | CARD_RESTRICTED_TRANSACTIONS_EMAIL | Restricted Transactions |
This template is triggered when a transaction isn't supported. | CARD_TRANSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EMAIL | Transaction Not Supported |
This template is triggered when the card transaction limit is exceeded. | CARD_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDS_EMAIL | Transaction Limit Exceeds |
This template is triggered when the card has the wrong Card Verification Value 2 (CVV2). | CARD_WRONG_CVV2_EMAIL | Wrong CVV2 |
This template is triggered when the card has the wrong expiration date. | CARD_WRONG_EXPIRY_EMAIL | Wrong Expiry |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to the wrong PIN entry. | CARD_WRONG_PIN_DECLINE_EMAIL | Wrong PIN Decline |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to the wrong PIN entry. | CARD_PIN_RETRY_EXCEED_DECLINE_EMAIL | Pin Retry Exceed Decline |
This template is triggered manually by the Fraud and Risk team for specific customers. | CARD_RISK_AWARENESS_PIN_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered manually by the Fraud and Risk team for specific customers. | CARD_SUSPECTED_COMPROMISE_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered manually by the Fraud and Risk team for specific customers. | CARD_SUSPECTED_MISUSE_EMAIL | No webhook |
3DS OTP during 3DS online transaction. | CARD_SAMPLE_EMAIL | 3DS OTP |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to the Security and Risk policy set by Nium. | CARD_MISC_EMAIL | Miscellaneous |
This template is triggered when the card system is down. | CARD_SYSTEM_DOWN_EMAIL | Card System Down |
This template is triggered after adding a beneficiary with the payout method of the value BANK . | ADD_BENEFICIARY_BANK_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after adding a beneficiary with the payout method of the value WALLET . | ADD_BENEFICIARY_WALLET_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after adding a beneficiary with the payout method of the value CASH . | ADD_BENEFICIARY_CASH_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after adding a beneficiary with the payout method of the valueCARD . | ADD_BENEFICIARY_CARD_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after editing a beneficiary with the payout method of the value BANK . | EDIT_BENEFICIARY_BANK_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after editing a beneficiary with the payout method of the valueWALLET . | EDIT_BENEFICIARY_WALLET_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after editing a beneficiary with the payout method of the value CASH . | EDIT_BENEFICIARY_CASH_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after editing a beneficiary with the payout method of the value CARD . | EDIT_BENEFICIARY_CARD_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after deleting a beneficiary with the payout method of the value BANK . | DELETE_BENEFICIARY_BANK_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after deleting a beneficiary with the payout method of the value WALLET . | DELETE_BENEFICIARY_WALLET_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after deleting a beneficiary with the payout method of the value CASH . | DELETE_BENEFICIARY_CASH_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after deleting a beneficiary with the payout method of the value CARD . | DELETE_BENEFICIARY_CARD_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is initiated with the payout method of the value BANK . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIATED_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Initiated |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is initiated with the payout method of the value CASH . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIATED_CASH_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Initiated |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is initiated with the payout method of the valueWALLET . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIATED_WALLET_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Initiated |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is initiated with the payout method of the value CARD . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIATED_CARD_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Initiated |
This template is triggered when a payout is done of the value sent to Sender . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_SENT_TO_BANK_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Sent to Bank |
This template is triggered when a payout is done of the value sent to Beneficiary . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_SENT_TO_BANK_CASH_BENI_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Sent to Bank |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value BANK is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CASH is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_CASH_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value WALLET is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_WALLET_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CARD is paid. | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_CARD_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered to a beneficiary when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value BANK is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_BANK_BENI_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered to a beneficiary when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CASH is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_CASH_BENI_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered to a beneficiary when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value WALLET is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_WALLET_BENI_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered to a beneficiary when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CARD is paid . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_CARD_BENI_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value BANK is rejected . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_REJECTED_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CASH is rejected . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_REJECTED_CASH_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value WALLET is rejected . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_REJECTED_WALLET_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value BANK is returned . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Returned |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CASH is returned . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_CASH_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Returned |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value WALLET is returned . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_WALLET_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Returned |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is made with the payout method of the value CARD is returned . | REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_CARD_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Returned |
This template is triggered when the compliance status, as a result of the Know Your Business (KYB) process, is anything other than complete for a client. | No email template | Client KYB Status |
This template is triggered when an ADD_ON card is issued using the Add Card API. | CARD_ADD_ON_CARD_ISSUE_EMAIL | Add Card |
This template is triggered when a card is activate. | CARD_ACTIVATION_CARD_EMAIL | Activate Card |
This template is triggered when the transaction is declined due to an insufficient client-prefund balance. | CARD_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_DECLINED_EMAIL | Insufficient Funds Declined |
This template is triggered after adding a beneficiary with a proxy payout method. | ADD_BENEFICIARY_PROXY_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after editing a beneficiary with a proxy payout method. | EDIT_BENEFICIARY_PROXY_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered after deleting a beneficiary with a proxy payout method. | DELETE_BENEFICIARY_PROXY_EMAIL | No webhook |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is initiated with a bank payout method. | REMIT_TRANSACTION_INITIATED_PROXY_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Initiated |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is paid with a proxy payout method. | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_PROXY_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |
This template is triggered when a remittance transaction is returned with a proxy payout method. | REMIT_TRANSACTION_RETURNED_PROXY_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Returned |
This template is triggered to a beneficiary when a remittance transaction is paid with a proxy payout method. | REMIT_TRANSACTION_PAID_PROXY_BENT_EMAIL | Remit Transaction Paid |