Transaction Approved

This event is triggered whenever any transaction is approved. This includes:

  • POS
  • ATM
  • E-commerce



Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
        "cardHashId": "162ada56-f5a4-46de-b665-c5e64d34a621",
        "cardNumber": "4001-35xx-xxxx-1950",
        "transactionCurrency": "SGD",
        "transactionAmount": "10.00",
        "transactionDateTime": "2020-09-29 09:24:46",
        "transactionClass": "POS",
        "billingCurrency": "SGD",
        "billingAmount": "10.0",
        "postAuthCurrency": "SGD",
        "postAuthAmount": "10.0",
        "walletBalance": "102.00",
        "mcc": "5499",
        "merchantName": "Frankie Tibbs",
        "merchantCity": "MUMBAI",
        "merchantCountry": "IN",
        "rhaTransactionId": "112233c67-fa9a-4a4d-aaf6-246804c135d2",
        "authCode": "114733",
        "partnerReferenceNumber": "55648c70-fa9a-4a4d-aaf6-618174c319d2",
        "template": "CARD_TXN_APPROVED_WEBHOOK"

Request body

nameThe name of a client.String
customerHashIdThe unique customer identifier that's generated on customer creation.UUID
walletHashIdThe unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with customer creation.UUID
cardHashIdThe unique card identifier that's generated while new/add-on card issuance.UUID
cardNumberThe 16-digit masked card number in the 1234-56xx-xxxx-3456 format.String
transactionCurrencyThe three-letter ISO-4217 transaction currency code.String
transactionAmountThe transaction amount.String
transactionClassThe type of transaction. Available values include:
  • POS
  • ATM
transactionDateThe transaction date and time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Coordinated Universal Time format.String
balanceCurrencyThe three-letter ISO-4217 currency code for the wallet balance.String
postAuthAmountCurrency authorized for the transaction.String
postAuthAmountAmount authorized for the transaction.String
walletBalanceThe available balance in the wallet.String
mccThe four-digit merchant category code.String
merchantNameThe merchant name.String
merchantCountryThe two-letter ISO country code for the merchant country.String
merchantCityThe city where the merchant is located.String
authCodeThe authorization code of the transaction.String
effectiveAuthAmountThe authorization amount value in addition to fees such as transaction markup, e-commerce fees, etc.String
rhaTransactionIdThe unique transaction ID for Delegated Model authorization clients. This is empty only for wallet clients.UUID
templateSet to CARD_POS_APPROVED_WEBHOOK for this event.String