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Transaction Return

This template is triggered when a return/reversal request is received for a Direct Debit transaction.


Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"transactionCurrency": "USD",
"routingValue": "011401533",
"systemReferenceNumber": "FW4086323985",
"debitReason": "R01",
"walletHashId": "7a73f776-50f2-428c-9615-0c507ffcb59e",
"transactionDate": "2023-03-30 12:28:24.879",
"accountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111",
"customerHashId": "017d7c23-c9bc-49db-9612-8748e22c4fe6",
"routingType": "ACH CODE",
"beneficiaryName": "Albertha Bobbeth Charleson",
"transactionAmount": "52.00",
"debitCode": "ACH_RETURN",
"clientHashId": "c3bcbcc0-07a9-4bdd-b8c8-de62c52bda83"

Request body

clientHashIdThe unique client identifier that's generated and shared before API handshake.UUID
customerHashIdThe unique customer identifier that's generated on customer creation.UUID
walletHashIdThe unique wallet identifier that's generated simultaneously with customer creation.UUID
transactionCurrencyThis field contains the three-letter ISO-4217 transaction currency code.String
transactionAmountThis field contains the transaction amount.String
systemReferenceNumberThe unique system-generated reference number for the transaction.String
beneficiaryNameThe name of the beneficiary.String
transactionDateThe date when the Fund Wallet is called.String
accountNumberThis field contains the masked account number.String
routingValueThis field contains the bank code.String
routingTypeThis field contains the routing type of the ACH code or SORT code depending on the geography.String
templateThe value for this field is DIRECT_DEBIT_TRANSACTION_RETURN_WEBHOOK.String
debitCodeThis field contains the debit code of RETURN or REVERSAL.String
debitReasonThis field contains the R-code for the US and a similar code for UK/EU.String
walletBalanceThis field shows the balance after the debit.String