Micro-deposit Successful
The client receives this event when a micro-deposit amount is successfully deposited in the customer's linked bank account. The expectation is for the client to call the Confirm Funding Instrument ID API after receiving this webhook.
Field | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request example
"country": "US",
"fundingInstrumentId": "444eebc5-196a-48c3-b89e-0689a41faff1",
"routingValue": "",
"fundingChannel": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
"walletHashId": "0e552b64-da71-4888-be81-e8ab76a6f85e",
"maskedAccountNumber": "${maskedAccountNumber}",
"customerHashId": "8377480c-3169-4f86-ad7d-bc914d75b9a2",
"createdAt": "2023-07-05 10:26:47",
"statusDescription": "Awaiting_customer_verification | paid",
"routingType": "",
"currency": "USD",
"clientHashId": "c3bcbcc0-07a9-4bdd-b8c8-de62c52bda83",
"status": "PENDING",
"updatedAt": "2023-07-05 10:32:13"
Request body
Field | Description | Type |
country | The two-letter ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code where the bank account resides. | String |
fundingInstrumentId | The unique 36-character alphanumeric identifier of a funding instrument. In the context of Direct Debit, it serves as a bank account identifier. | String |
routingValue | The unique identifier value that's used to identify financial institutions and their branches worldwide. | String |
fundingChannel | The funding channel refers to the mode of funding a wallet. When adding a new funding instrument, only Direct Debit is supported. | String |
walletHashId | The unique 36-character wallet identifier that's generated and shared before the API handshake. | String |
maskedAccountNumber | The masked bank account number in the XXXXXXXXXXXX1111 format. | String |
customerHashId | The unique 36-character customer identifier that's generated and shared before the API handshake. | String |
createdAt | The timestamp when the funding instrument is added. | Date-time |
statusDescription | The additional information of the status response. | String |
routingType | The routing type, for example, SWIFT Code, IFSC Code, ACH Code, BSB Code, SORT Code, Location ID, Bank Code, Transit Number, and Branch Code. | String |
currency | The three-letter ISO-4217 currency code. | String |
clientHashId | The unique client 36-character client identifier that's generated and shared before the API handshake. | String |
status | The present status of the funding instrument. The statuses are \n PENDING , APPROVED , FAILED and CANCELLED . | String |
updatedAt | The timestamp when the funding instrument is last updated. | Date-time |
template | The value for this field is DIRECT_DEBIT_MICRODEPOSIT_SUCCESSFUL . | String |