Viewing Account History
You can keep track of recent activities in your company’s Nium account.
Nium Payments logs these activities:
- Changes in rights
- Updates to the account password
- Updates to user accounts
- Transactions
- Sign in and Sign out attempts
To view your account history:
- Select Users > User History.
The User History page is displayed.
- Select your filtering criteria (Date of Entry, User, Activity Type or Activity Subtype) and select the _ Apply Filters _ button.
A list of activities that match the selected criteria is displayed.
- To export the activity log to a CSV _ file, select the Export to CSV _ link below the list of activities. (You can choose the _Close _ button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted.)
After your file is generated, the _Export to CSV _ link will be replaced by a _Download File _ link. Select to download.