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Managing Funding Accounts


In simple terms, funding accounts are where your money is deposited and stored before you load it onto a virtual card. During your account setup, we create one or more funding accounts for you.
You can create new funding accounts and load, edit, and delete funding accounts in the Nium Portal. You may choose to have a single funding account for all your cards or create separate funding accounts for different expenses (travel, advertising, etc.)
After you create a funding account, you can:

  • transfer money to it from another funding account
  • add money to it from a linked bank account.

When the funding account contains money, you can:

  • withdraw money from your funding account to a linked bank account
  • transfer money from one funding account to another


If your account is configured to use credit, the credit funding accounts can only be created and deleted by your Nium company account administrator.

The available balance is the remaining money left to spend in your funding accounts. This includes your remaining prefunded and credit amounts.
The actual balance is the money that has not been settled/released from purchases or loads.


Credit funding accounts will appear as negative values when you load cards from them.

To view or edit funding account details (such as the IBAN bank account you can use to add money to a funding account), select the View/Edit option from the ⋮ menu for a funding account chosen.

You can view a funding account statement, including all related transactions in the current month. You can export the daily transaction history of a funding account to a CSV file.

To perform these actions, go to Funds > Funding Accounts > Manage Funding Accounts, which will open the Funding Accounts page.
See related sections for more information.

Creating a funding account

Use the Add a New Funding Account page to create a funding account.

  1. Select Funds > Funding Accounts > Manage Funding Accounts and select the Add Account button. The Add a New Funding Account page is displayed.

  1. In the _Assigned Name _ field, type a unique name for the funding account. In the _Currency _ field, select the currency.


Available currency options depend on your account configuration.

  1. Select the _Continue _ button to save.
  2. Select the Close button on the New Funding Account Added page, which contains the new funding account’s data.
    The Funding Accounts page is displayed.


The_ New Funding Account Added _ page contains an IBAN account bank that you can use to add money to your funding account.


Credit funding accounts can only be created by your Nium company account administrator.

After a funding account is created, you can add money to it, withdraw it, transfer it to another funding account, view recent transactions and statements, edit the account details, or delete the funding account. To perform any of these actions, select the ⋮ icon in the appropriate row on the Funding Accounts page and choose one of the options from the drop-down menu.

Transferring money between funding accounts

Use the web app's Transfer Money Between Funding Accounts page to transfer money between funding accounts.


Credit funds cannot be moved between funding accounts.

  1. On the _Funding Accounts _ page, locate the funding account you want to transfer money.
  2. Select the ⋮ icon to open the context menu.
    The context menu is displayed.
  3. In the context menu, select_ Transfer funds_.

The Transfer Money Between Funding Accounts page is displayed.

  1. Select the source (where the money is to be transferred from) in the _Transfer From _ field and enter the amount in the Amount field.


The Transfer To field contains the funding account selected in the first step, but you can change it if necessary.

  1. Select the Confirm button to transfer money between funding accounts.


There may be a limit on the amount that can be transferred between funding accounts without approval by an authoriser.

  1. Select the _Close _ button on the confirmation page that contains data about the transfer.
    The Funding Accounts page is displayed.

Viewing funding account history

Use the Funding Account History page to view a funding account’s history.

  1. Select _ Funds > Funding Accounts > Funding Account History _ from the menu.

The Funding Account History page is displayed.

  1. Use one of the following sections and fields to view a funding account’s history:
  • Select the By_ Funding Account Reference_ radio button and enter the funding account reference in the Funding Account Reference field. (The funding account reference is a unique external identifier of the funding account.)
  • Select the By Funding Account Name radio button and enter the funding account name in the_ Funding Account Name_ field. (Funding account names are unique.)
  • Select a funding account currency in the_ Funding Account Currency_ field.
  • Select a search period in the Transaction Date section by entering the start date in the _From _ field and the end date in the To field. (You can select the calendar buttons to choose dates using a visual calendar).
  1. Optionally, select the Advanced Search option to open the advanced search section and use one of the following sections and fields to view a funding account’s history:
  • Enter a transaction reference in the Transaction Reference field. (The transaction reference is a unique external identifier of the transaction).
  • Select a transaction type in the Transaction Type field.
  • Select a transaction status in the Transaction Status field.
  • Select the currency of the transaction in the Transaction Currency field.
  • Enter a transfer amount in the Transaction Amount field.
  1. Select the Search button to retrieve a list of funding account history entries matching the criteria.
    A list of funding account history entries that match the selected criteria is displayed on the _Funding Account History _ page.

  1. You can modify the search criteria and select the Apply Filters button to rerun the search with modified criteria.
  2. To view full details for a specific history entry, select the ⋮ icon to open the context menu and choose View all details.

For a detailed explanation of all fields on the_ Funding Account History Details_ page, see Appendix: Viewing funding account history details

  1. You can also export the list of funding account history entries to a file:
    1. Select the_ Export to CSV _ link below the list of history entries on the Funding Account History page. (You can select the _Close _ button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted.)
    2. When the file generation process is complete, the Export to CSV link is replaced by a Download File link. Select this to download

Appendix: Viewing funding account history details

There are the fields you may in the Funding Account History Details page.

Start DateThe date when the transaction started.
Transaction DateThe date when the balance movement was performed.
CommunityThe name of the community that a client belongs to in Nium.
ClientThe name of the client as set up in Nium.
Transaction ReferenceA unique transaction identifier.
Adjustment ReferenceA unique identifier for each balance movement.
NOTE: A transaction can have multiple balance movements.
Transaction TypeThe type of activity carried out on the funding account.
The following reported transaction types are available:
Transaction typeDescriptionTransaction info field
TransferTransfers to or from this funding account.• If the transfer is initiated by the client, this field contains NULL.
• If the transfer is initiated by Nium, this field contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
Fee reversalA reversal of a previous fee.Contains the original_ transactionID_ of the transaction for which the fee is being reversed.
Bank depositA deposit via a bank transfer.It contains the name of the provider used to make the bank deposit.
Bank deposit reversalThe reversal of a deposit to the funding account via a bank transfer. Possible reasons for this could be that the bank reverses the transaction or the client doesn't supply Nium with bank documents.Contains the original transactionID of the transaction for which the bank deposit is being reversed.
Card returnThe withdrawal of funds to a bank card.NULL
Bank returnThe withdrawal of funds to a bank account.NULL
Bank return reversalThe reversal of a fund transfer from the funding account to a bank account. Possible reasons for this could be incorrect bank details, cancelled by bank, cancelled by Nium due to unapproved bank details, etc.Contains the original _transactionID _of the transaction for which the bank return is being reversed.
Revenue shareA revenue share deposit.Contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
Manual creditA positive manual adjustment on a card.Contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
Manual debitA negative manual adjustment on a card.Contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
Card createdThe creation of new cards (which could involve fund transfer).NULL
Card deletedThe deletion of cards (which could involve fund transfer).NULL
Card deposit reversalThe reversal of a deposit via a bank (credit/debit) card.Contains the original transactionID of the transaction for which the card deposit is being reversed.
Funding account createdThe creation of a new funding account.NULL
Funding account deletedThe deletion of a funding account.NULL
Loss recoveryA negative card balance recovery.NULL
Transaction AmountThis is the requested amount represented in transactionCurrency. For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP, transactionAmount is 1000.
Source TypeThe source participant in the transaction.
Source DetailsA friendly name of the source participant.
Destination TypeThe destination participant in the transaction.
Destination DetailsA friendly name of the destination participant.

The type of transaction participant (it can be a source or a destination participant).

Participation type

Funding AccountAn account maintained with Nium, used by the client to issue and load cards.
Virtual CardA card issued through Nium for corporate purchasing or payments.
Bank CardThe account holder’s bank card used to deposit funds to the funding account.
Bank AccountA bank account registered in Nium for bank transfers.
Manual AccountManual accounts are tagged accounts used by Nium for manual adjustments. These include:
RevshareUsed to show revenue share credits/debits.
Forex_FeeUsed to adjust forex credits/debits.
Misc_ClearingUsed to adjust one-off occasional adjustments (supported by a note).
TestingUsed to adjust testing credits/debits.
Settlement_LossUsed to collect losses on client settlement processing.
Settlement_ChargeUsed to collect fees associated with settlement charges (not collected by the system).
Dispute_FeeUsed to collect dispute fees on client requests.
Dispute_WonUsed to credit funds won related to disputes processed.
Card_FeeUsed to collect/refund card fee charges manually.
Transfer_FeeUsed to collect/refund fees generated on a transfer manually.
Bank_ChargeUsed to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer.
Tracing_ChargeUsed to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer trace.
Professional_FeeUsed to collect fees associated with a bespoke task that had previously communicated a charge.
Setup_FeeUsed to collect/refund setup fees.

In card reports, participantType _is always Virtual Card.
In funding account reports,
participantType_ is always Funding Account.

Participation DetailsA friendly name of the participant. For example, bank account information (if the participant type is_ Bank Account_), funding account name (if the participant type is Funding Account), etc.
Participation SinkPossible values are SOURCE or DESTINATION.
Original Transaction AmountThe amount requested by the client. This is independent of the participant currency. For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP and _participantCurrency _is EUR, _originalAmount _is 1000.
Participation AmountThe requested amount represented in the currency of the participant (see: participantCurrency). For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP, _participantCurrency _is EUR, and the current GBP to EUR exchange rate is 1.1, _participantAmount _is 1100.
Exchange RateThe exchange rate used between source currency and destination currency (if they are different).
Non-Forex FeeContains non-Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable.
Forex FeeContains Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable.
Balance Before TransactionThe balance was on the funding account before the transaction was processed.
Adjusted AmountThe adjustment amount on the funding account.
Balance After TransactionThe balance on the funding account after the transaction was processed.

There are three transaction statuses:

Transaction Status

CompletedTransaction completed successfully.
FailedTransaction failed, and no fund movements happened.
InitialisedThe transaction is in a suspended state, and funds have only been partially moved.
Initialised completedThe transaction was previously in a suspended state but has been resumed and completed successfully. Funds have also been fully moved.
Initialised failedTransaction that was previously in a suspended state and is now in a failed state. Fund movements that happened initially have been reversed and a new balance movement entry has been created.
Transaction DirectionIndicates whether a transaction is an Advance or a Reversal.
Funding Account ReferenceA unique Nium reference of the funding account.
Transaction InfoAdditional information is specific to each transaction type.