Creating and Managing Cards

Product version 3.94
Last edited November 2022

Creating a card

You can create and load a single card on the Create Card page.
Before creating any cards, ensure your relevant funding accounts have enough funds to cover card loading.

  1. Select Cards > Create Card > Single
    The Create Card page is displayed.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    1. Select the Card Type: This determines card features (for example, the card brand).
    2. Select the Currency: This defines the currency for the card you’re creating.
    3. Enter the Amount: This defines the amount of money to be loaded onto a card after its created



The amount of money that you can load onto a card during card creation depends on the limits set for your user group by your administrator). Please contact your administrator if you encounter loading limitations.



You can select the Forex calculator link to estimate the required load amounts based on current Forex conversion rates.

Figure 1: The Forex Payment Cost Prediction Tool

Figure 1: The Forex Payment Cost Prediction Tool

iv. Select the Funding Account: This identifies the funding account from the initial load amount (if any), and any applicable fees will be taken from.



Credit is a custom feature. Please contact your Client Delivery Specialist if you want to apply for credit.

v. Clearance Date: When any remaining card funds are transferred back to your Funding Account, the card will be automatically deleted. The card will remain valid until 23:59:59 GMT on the given day. We recommend clearing a card within a few days after it is created. This will reduce the risk of fraud.

  1. Optionally, you can schedule to load a card in the future by selecting the Scheduled Loads [+] link. With the scheduled load feature, you can delay the loading of funds onto a card until a date and time of your choice. This is useful when you need a card but want to pay later. For example, when you book a hotel room for your client but pay for the room when the client arrives. Using scheduled loads can help you unlock valuable working capital. Since funds are not available on the card until the date and time you chose, scheduled loads reduce your fraud exposure.
Figure 2: Adding scheduled loads

Figure 2: Adding scheduled loads

a. Enter the Initial Load Amount: This is the amount loaded when the card is created. (This is the same as the value in the Amount field above).
b. Enter a Scheduled Load Amount and select the calendar icon to choose the Load Date.
You can schedule a maximum of three loads on a single card. You can delete loads by selecting the [x] icon or leaving them blank.

If, during card creation, you choose a Single Load Card Type, you can only load your card once, either at the same time you create the card or in a single scheduled load. An error will be reported if you try to load it more than once. This feature is typically used by customers who want to maintain tight control over card usage.

  1. Optionally, you can add details for the requested card by selecting the Additional Details [+] link. You can use the External ID to identify the card uniquely. You can also use Additional Details to add custom data to the card - for example, a booking reference number or department name. You can enter a maximum of 20 custom detail entries. By default, five entries are displayed. If your deployment has a configuration to allow Dual Name on the card, you can use Card User to define it – for example, Traveller Name.
Figure 3: Adding details for a card

Figure 3: Adding details for a card

a. Select the Add Additional Details [+] link if you need more entries.
b. If you do not need entries, you can delete them or ignore them and leave them blank. To delete, select the [x] icon to the right of the row of fields.



Your deployment may have additional detail entries configured by default. You cannot change the name of a mandatory field. You cannot delete a mandatory field. You must provide a value of the mandatory field.

  1. Select the Create button to create the card.
    The card is created, and the Card Details page is displayed.
Figure 4: The Card Details page

Figure 4: The Card Details page

  1. Select the Download button below the card image to save card images.
  2. Select the Print button below the card image to print card images.
  3. Select the E-mail button to share card images and details via email.
    1. Specify details on the Email Card Image page. You can add a custom message or list (if templates are available in your installation) and select a predefined template from the drop-down.
Figure 5: The Email Card Image page

Figure 5: The Email Card Image page

ii. Select the Send _button on the _Email Card Image page to send the email. The recipient can receive a link and view card images and details.

iii. To view your emails' status, see the Details page's Email History section.
This section contains a log entry for every link sent by email for this card. The link expires automatically when the card is deleted, when the link has been opened three times, or when a new link is sent by email for this card (only one link can be active at a time for one card). The recipient views the card image or details until a link is expired. Select the [X] icon in the Actions column to manually set a link to expire.

  1. To export card information to a file, select the Export Card Request Data link in the bottom right section of the page. (You can select the Close\ _button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted.)
    When the file generation process is complete, the _Export Card Request Data
    link will be replaced by a Download File link. Select to download.
  2. To change additional details or scheduled loads for a card, enter new information in the Additional Details section and the Scheduled Loads section and select the Save Changes button.

Creating a batch of cards via File

Using the predefined file, you can create a batch of new cards and load them from the Create Cards page.
Before you do, ensure your relevant funding accounts have enough money to cover the card load amount. For more information, see Managing funding accounts.

  1. Select Cards > Create Card > Batch
    The Create Cards page is displayed.
  2. Enter a unique Batch Reference: The batch reference uniquely identifies a batch and can be used later to track the status of this request.
  3. Download the Sample file from this page.
  4. Upload the file using the predefined structure from the Sample file. Fill in all the mandatory fields and use the optional ones for the Virtual Card details. The system accepts excel files in CSV UTF-8, UTF-8 BOM, UTF-16, UTF-16 BOM. Note: Custom Filed Name field accepts only Latin letters



The amount of money that you can load onto a card during card creation depends on the limits set for your user group by your administrator. Please contact your administrator if you encounter loading limitations.



Remove the instructions and example from the Sample file and keep only the Header of the file presented in the row 1.

Figure 6: Create cards in Batch via File

Figure 6: Create cards in Batch via File

  1. Select the Create button to start the card creation process.
  2. The system will make preliminary validations at this action and will either proceed with processing the file or return the error log. The details of the errors detected from the file processed will be available in the file downloaded from the Download error log.
Figure 7: Download Error Log file

Figure 7: Download Error Log file

  1. Correct the file containing input parameters for the cards created in bulk and re-submit the same file again.
  2. Once the file passes the validations, the create cards in bulk process starts.
  3. A progress bar will show the creation status.
    The Request Completed message indicates that all cards of a specific type have been created successfully and card details are ready to be reviewed.
    The Request Completed with Failures message indicates that some cards could not be created. There are various reasons this can occur. For example, you do not have enough money in your funding account to load the cards. A value in the Unfulfilled Cards column shows how cards were not generated.
  4. To view card information for a selected batch in the request, choose the Download Card Details link in the bottom right section of the page.
    The Batch Card Create Details file displays the details of all created cards.



The input file for Create cards in Batch via File should be in CSV file format, following the header structure from the sample file. Supported encodings for the CSV file are: UTF-8, UTF-8 BOM, UTF-16. UTF-16 BOM.

Loading a card

When you load your card(s), you can load cards at the same time you create them or later. If you have multi-load cards enabled, you can also load cards repeatedly whenever suits your needs.
Before loading a card, ensure your funding accounts have enough money to cover your load amounts. For more information, see Managing funding accounts.

  1. Go to the Load Card page:
    • Select Cards > Load Card > Single, select the search method by selecting the appropriate radio button (By Card Reference, By Card Name, or By Card Number), enter the search criteria in the input field and select the Search button.
Figure 8: Searching for a card to load

Figure 8: Searching for a card to load

  • Select Cards > Manage Cards, select the ⋮ icon in the row that represents an active card, and choose Load Card.

Card details (including card images) are displayed on the Load Card page.

  1. Enter the load details:
    1. Select a value in the Load From field: This field represents the funding account you will load the card from. (The funding account must be used to be visible in the drop-down list.)
    2. Enter the Amount: This field represents the amount of money you can add to a card. (The amount must be within the allowed limits of your account.)



The currency is displayed next to the Amount field. If this currency is different than the source currency or the destination currency, Forex fees may apply. Select the Forex calculator link to estimate your load amounts based on current Forex conversion rates.

Figure 9: Loading a single card

Figure 9: Loading a single card

  1. Select the Load button to initiate the card funding process.
    The card is loaded, and the details are displayed on the Load Complete page.
Figure 10: Load completion confirmation

Figure 10: Load completion confirmation



When you load a card for the first-time using credit funds, that card is linked to that particular credit funding account. You cannot load this card from a different credit funding account in the future.

Loading a batch of cards

As with cards created individually, you can load a batch of cards when you create them or later. If you have multi-load cards enabled, you can also load a batch of cards repeatedly whenever it suits your needs.
Before loading a batch of cards, ensure your funding accounts have enough money to cover your load amounts. For more information, see Managing funding accounts.

  1. Select Cards > Load Card > Batch
    The Load Cards page is displayed.
  2. Search for cards that are to be loaded with funds. You can use the following search criteria:
    1. Enter the Creation Date range (From/To): These fields represented the dates when cards were created.
    2. Select the Card Currency: This field represents the currency of the cards you want to load.
    3. Select the Card Type: This field represents the name of the card type used to create the cards.
    4. Enter the Available Balance range (From/To): The cards you want to load should have their available balance in the given field (values are represented in the selected Card Currency).
    5. Select the Card Brand: _This field represents the card brand you want to load.
      If you cannot find the cards you need to load using basic search, choose the _Advanced Search
      link for additional search options. If you need more entries to search for, select the Add Additional Details [+] link. You can delete optional entries you don't need by choosing the [x]icon to the right of the row of fields or leaving the entries blank. The order of the fields does not influence the search.
Figure 11: A list of criteria that can be used to search for cards to load

Figure 11: A list of criteria that can be used to search for cards to load

  1. Select the Apply Filters button to apply the criteria you selected.
    A list of cards that match these criteria is displayed.
  2. Choose cards to load by selecting checkboxes to the left of each entry, then choose the Select Cards button.
Figure 31: Selecting a batch of cards for loading

Figure 12: Selecting a batch of cards for loading

A list of selected cards and the Load Details section are displayed.

  1. Enter the load details:
Figure 13: Providing load details

Figure 13: Providing load details

i. Select a value in the Load From field: This field represents the funding account that the card will be loaded from. (The funding account must be used to be visible in the drop-down list).



When you load cards for the first-time using credit funds, those cards are linked to that particular credit funding account. You cannot load these cards using credit funds from different credit funding accounts in the future.

  1. Enter the Amount: This field represents the amount you want to load on each card.
    The Batch Card Load Details page is displayed and shows the progress of the batch load.



The Amount is the amount to be loaded onto each card, not the total amount to be loaded onto all cards (and split between them).

Figure 14: Load progress and completion

Figure 14: Load progress and completion

Unloading funds from a card

You can return money to a funding account from a card by unloading the card. Unloading, in other words, ‘empties’ the card of funds.

  1. Select Cards > Manage Cards, select the ⋮ icon in the row representing an active card, and select Unload Card. Card details (including card images) are displayed on the Unload Card page. Select Card Details to see more.
Figure 15: Accessing the Unload Card function

Figure 15: Accessing the Unload Card function

  1. Enter details to unload the card:
Figure 16: Providing unloading details

Figure 16: Providing unloading details

i. Select a value in the Unload To field: This field represents the funding account you want to transfer the card’s funds to. (The funding account must be used to be visible in the drop-down list).



If you are unloading a card to a credit funding account, it can only be unloaded to the same credit funding account that you originally loaded it from.

ii. Enter the Amount: This field represents the amount you want to unload from the card. (The amount must be within allowed account limits).



The unload currency is displayed next to the Amount field and is always the same as the card’s currency. If this currency is different than the destination currency, Forex fees may apply. Select the Forex calculator link to estimate your unload amounts based on current Forex conversion rates.

  1. Select the Unload button to initiate the operation.
    Unloading is completed, and unload details are displayed.
Figure 17: Unloading completion confirmation

Figure 17: Unloading completion confirmation

Scheduled card loads

You can view the loads scheduled for the future on the Scheduled Loads page.

  1. Select Cards > Scheduled Loads.
    The Scheduled Loads page is displayed.
Figure 18: Managing scheduled loads

Figure 18: Managing scheduled loads

  1. If you need to modify the scheduled load list view:

    • Select a value next to Show heading to modify the number of scheduled loads listed on a single page (10, 25, or 50).
    • Enter or select values in the filter criteria fields (Funding Account, Currency, State, Schedule Date) and select the Apply Filters button to filter visible results.
  2. To export the list of scheduled loads to a file, select the Export to CSV link in the bottom right section of the page. (You can choose the Close button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted).
    When the file generation process is complete, the Export to CSV link will be replaced by a Download File link. Select to Download.

  3. Select a value in the Card Reference column to view individual card details. From the Card Details page, you also delete and schedule loads

Viewing and managing cards

You can view card details and perform card operations on the Manage Cards page.

  1. Select Cards > Manage Cards.
    The Manage Cards page is displayed.
Figure 19: Viewing and managing cards

Figure 19: Viewing and managing cards

  1. If you need to modify the card list view:
    1. Select a value next to Show heading to modify the number of scheduled loads listed on a single page (10, 25, or 50).
    2. Enter or select values in the filter criteria fields (Funding Account, Currency, State, Schedule Date) and select the Apply Filters button to filter visible results.
    • In the search box, you can also search by Card Number, Card reference, or Transaction reference.
  2. To export the card list to a file, select the Export Card Data link in the bottom right section of the page. (You can choose the Close button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted.)
    When the file generation process is complete, the Export Card Data link will be replaced by a _Download File link. Select to download.
  3. Select a value in the Card Reference column to view individual card details.
Figure 20: Viewing card details

Figure 20: Viewing card details



The Available Balance displayed on this page is the card’s balance after an authorisation is received. The Actual Balance is the card’s after a settlement is complete.

  1. If you need to change cards’ custom fields on the Card Details page:
    1. Select the Add Additional Details [+] link to add more detailed entries. You can add a maximum of 20 custom fields per card. By default, 5 fields are displayed.
    2. To delete entries, select the [x] icon to the right of the row of fields, or leave them blank.



Your deployment may have additional custom fields configured by default. You cannot change the name of mandatory fields or delete them. You must provide a value for mandatory fields.

  1. You can modify scheduled loads for your cards on the Card Details page.

    1. You cannot change the amount and/or date of an existing scheduled load. You must delete the load and create a new one. Select the icon to delete an existing scheduled load.
    2. To add a new scheduled load, enter the Amount and select the calendar icon to choose the Load Date.
      Select the Save Changes button to add the scheduled load.
    3. Select or change the Clearance Date, if needed.
      Select a Clearance Date if you would like your card to be automatically deleted on a specific date. Any money left on the card will be transferred to the designated funding account. We recommend using this feature to reduce your risk of fraud, but you can only set a Clearance Date if you have at least one load scheduled on a card.
      If you choose a Single Load Card Type during card creation, you can only load your card once, either at the same time you create the card or in a single scheduled load. An error will be reported if you try to load it more than once. (This feature is typically used by customers who want to maintain tight control over card usage.)
  2. On the Manage Cards page, select the ⋮ icon to manage a single card:

  • Select View Card Statement to view the card statement. See Viewing the card statement for more information.
  • Select Freeze Card to freeze the card. See Freezing cards for more information.
  • Select Thaw Card to thaw the card. See Thawing cards for more information.
  • Select Load Card to load the card. See Loading a card for more information.
  • Select Unload Card to unload the card. See Unloading funds from a card for more information.
  • Select Delete Card to delete the card. See Deleting cards for more information.
  1. To manage several cards at a time, select the checkboxes next to them in the first column and choose the action you want to take:
    • Select the Freeze button to freeze the selected cards. (Only the cards that can be frozen will be included in the operation).
    • Select the Thaw button to thaw the selected cards. (Only the cards that can be thawed will be included in the operation).
    • Select the Delete button to delete the selected cards.

Viewing the card statement

The card statement helps you keep track of card balances and review transaction activity for a specific card.

  1. Select Cards > Manage Cards.
    The Manage Cards page is displayed.
  2. Select the ⋮ icon in the row representing the card you want to view the statement.
    The action menu is displayed.
  3. Select View Card Statement.
    The Card Statement page is displayed.
Figure 21: Viewing the card statement

Figure 21: Viewing the card statement

Freezing cards

You can freeze active cards individually or as a batch.

  1. Select _ Cards > Manage Cards _to access the _Manage Cards _page.
    • To freeze a single card:
    1. Select the ⋮ icon in the row that represents the card to be frozen.
      The action menu is displayed.
    2. Select Freeze Card.
  • To freeze multiple cards at once:

i. In the first column, select the checkboxes next to the cards you want to freeze.

ii. Select the Freeze button.
A batch reference is generated, and the Batch Card Freeze Details report page is displayed.

Figure 22: A report displayed after batch card freezing

Figure 22: A report displayed after batch card freezing

The generated batch reference can be used later to search for reports.

Thawing cards

You can thaw inactive cards individually or as a batch.

  1. Select Cards > Manage Cards to access the Manage Cards page.
  • To thaw a single card:
  • i. Select the ⋮ icon in the row that represents the card to be thawed.
    The action menu is displayed.
    ii. Select Thaw Card.
  • To thaw multiple cards at once:

i. In the first column, select the checkboxes next to the cards you want to thaw.

ii. Select the Thaw button.
A batch reference is generated and the Batch Card Thaw Details report page is displayed.

Figure 23: A report displayed after batch card thawing

Figure 23: A report displayed after batch card thawing

iii. The generated batch reference can be used later to search for reports. For more information, see Viewing Card Batches.

Deleting cards

You can delete cards individually or as a batch. When cards are deleted, any money remaining on them is transferred to the default funding account. For more information, see

To delete a card(s):

  1. Select Cards > Manage Cards _to access the _Manage Cards page.
    • To delete a single card:
      i. Select the ⋮ icon in the row that represents the card to be deleted.
      The action menu is displayed.
      ii. Select Delete Card.
  • To delete multiple cards at once:
    i. In the first column, select the checkboxes next to the cards you want to delete.
    ii. Select the Delete button.
    A batch reference is generated, and the Batch Card Delete Details report page is displayed.
Figure 24: A report displayed after batch card deletion

Figure 24: A report displayed after batch card deletion

  1. The generated batch reference can be used later to search for reports. For more information, see Viewing Card Batches.

View card history

To view card history, use the Card History page.

  1. Select Cards > Card History.
    The search page of the Card History page is displayed.
Figure 25: Search options on the Card History page

Figure 25: Search options on the Card History page

  1. Provide the card history search criteria:
    • To search using the unique external identifier of the card, select the By Card Reference radio button and enter the card reference in the Card Reference field.
    • To search using the unique name of the card, select the By Card Name radio button and enter the card name in the Card Name field.
    • To search using the card's unique number, select the By Card Number radio button and enter the card number in the Card Number field.
    • To search using the unique user-defined external ID of the card, select the By Card External ID radio button and enter the ID in the Card External ID field.
    • To add a card brand criterion to the search, select a card brand from the Card Brand drop-down list.
    • Select a currency from the Card Currency drop-down list to add a card currency criterion to the search.
    • To add a transaction date range criterion to the search, enter or select dates in the From and To fields next to Transaction Date.



By Card Reference, By Card Name, By Card Number, and By Card External ID are mutually exclusive search criteria. You can only select one of them. The remaining criteria can be added to the search and are not exclusive.

  1. If you need to add more advanced search criteria, select Advanced Search:
    • To add the unique external identifier of the transaction as a search criterion, enter this in the Transaction Reference field.
    • To add the transaction type as a search criterion, select this from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
    • To add the currency of the transaction as a search criterion, select this from the Transaction Currency drop-down list.
    • To add the transaction status as a search criterion, select this from the Transaction Status drop-down list.
    • To add the transaction amount as a search criterion, enter this in the Transaction Amount field.

To add detail parameters as search criteria, enter the Name and Value fields in the Additional Details section. (These are optional details you entered when a card was created.)

  1. Select the Search button to display a list of card history entries that match the search criteria.
    The result page of the Card History page is displayed.
Figure 45: Search results on the Card History page

Figure 26: Search results on the Card History page

  1. To view details of a specific card, select the vertical 3 dots icon in any row and choose View all details.
    The Card History Details page is displayed.
Figure 46: Viewing card history details

Figure 27: Viewing card history details

For a detailed explanation of the fields you may see on the Card History Details page, see Appendix D: Card History Details.

  1. You can also export the list of card history entries to a file:
    1. Select the Export to CSV link below the list of entries on the Card History page. (You can select the Close button in the confirmation window to close it. The export process will not be aborted.)
      When the file generation process is complete, the Export to CSV link will be replaced by a Download File link. Select to download.

Appendix : View card history details

This explains the fields on the Card History Details page.

Start DateThe date when the transaction started.
Transaction DateThe date when the balance movement was performed.
CommunityThe name of the community that a client belongs to, as set up in Nium.
ClientThe name of the client (your company) as set up in Nium
Transaction ReferenceA unique transaction identifier.
Adjustment ReferenceA unique identifier for each balance movement.
NOTE: A transaction can have multiple balance movements.

The type of activity carried out on the card. These include the following transaction types:

Transaction type

Transaction typeDescriptionTransaction info field
TransferTransfers to or from this card.• If the client initiates the transfer, this field contains NULL.
• If Nium initiates the transfer, this field contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
AuthorisationThe receipt of an authorisation request for the card.Contains the authorisation reason.
Authorisation releaseThe cancellation of a previous authorisation request by the merchant.Contains the authorisation reason.
PurchaseThe receipt and processing of a settlement request for the card.NULL
Merchant refundThe receipt of funds on a card from a merchant. This includes both merchant refunds as well as original credit transfers that are processed through the Visa network.NULL
Manual creditA positive manual adjustment on a card.Contains comments entered by the Nium officer.
Manual debitA negative manual adjustment on a card.Contains comments entered by the Nium officer
Card createdThe creation of new cards (which could involve fund transfers).NULL
Card deletedThe deletion of cards (which could involve fund transfers).NULL
FreezeThe change of a card state to restricted.NULL
ThawThe change of a card state to active.NULL
Loss recoveryA negative card balance recovery.NULL
Transaction AmountThis is the requested amount represented in transactionCurrency. This amount includes Forex padding (for authorisations) and any fees set at the processor level, if applicable.
For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP, the transactionCurrency is EUR, the current GBP to EUR exchange rate is 1.1, and the Forex padding is EUR 5, _transactionAmount _is 1105: EUR 1100 from currency exchange plus EUR 5 Forex padding.
This amount does not include fees in case of cross-currency transfers.
Source TypeThe source participant in the transaction.
Source DetailsA friendly name of the source participant.
Destination TypeThe destination participant in the transaction.
Destination DetailsA friendly name of the destination participant.
Participation TypeThe type of transaction participant (this can be a source or a destination participant).

Participation Type

Funding AccountAn account maintained with Nium, used by the client to issue and load cards.
Virtual CardA virtual card issued through Nium for corporate purchasing or payments.
Bank CardThe account holder’s bank card used to add money to the funding account.
Bank AccountA bank account registered in Nium for bank transfers.

Manual Account

Tagged accounts used by Nium for manual adjustments. These include the following:

RevshareThis account is used to show revenue share credits/debits.
Forex_FeeThis account is used to adjust forex credits/debits.
Misc_ClearingThis account adjusts one-off, occasional adjustments (supported by a note).
TestingThis account is used to adjust testing credits/debits.
Settlement_LossThis account is used to collect losses on client settlement processing.
Settlement_ChargeThis account collects fees associated with settlement charges (not managed by the system).
Dispute_FeeThis account is used to collect dispute fees on client requests.
Dispute_WonThis account is used to credit funds won related to disputes processed.
Card_FeeThis account is used to collect/refund card fee charges manually.
Transfer_FeeThis account is used to collect/refund fees generated on a transfer manually.
Bank_ChargeThis account is used to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer.
Tracing_ChargeThis account is used to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer trace.
Professional_FeeThis account is used to collect fees associated to a bespoke task that had previously communicated a charge
Setup_FeeThis account is used to collect/refund setup fees.

For card reports, participantType is always Virtual Card.

Participation DetailsA friendly name of the participant. For example, bank account information (if the participant type is Bank Account), funding account name (if the participant type is Funding Account), and so on.
Participation SinkThe possible values are SOURCE or DESTINATION.
Original Transaction AmountThe amount requested by the client. This is independent of the participant's currency. For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP and _participantCurrency _is EUR, _originalAmount _is 1000.
Participation AmountThe requested amount is is represented in the participant's currency (see: participantCurrency). For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP, participantCurrency _is EUR, and the current GBP to EUR exchange rate is 1.1, _participantAmount is 1100.
NOTE: At authorisation level there is no money movement, so if transactionType is Authorisation, then participantAmount is 0. The total amount blocked by the authorisation is represented in originalAmount and transactionAmount in respective currencies.
Exchange RateThe exchange rate used between source currency and destination currency (if they are different).
Non-Forex FeeContains non-Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable.
Forex FeeContains Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable.
Balance Before TransactionThe balance on the card before the transaction was processed.
Adjusted AmountRepresents the balance on the card after the transaction was processed. This excludes the fee amount.

This is used to keep track of transactions and can be one of six states:

Transaction status

CompletedThe transaction was completed successfully.
FailedTransaction failed, and no fund movements happened.
InitialisedThe transaction is suspended, and funds have only been partially moved.
Initialised completedThe transaction was previously suspended but has been resumed and completed. Funds have also been fully moved.
Initialised failedThe previously suspended transaction has been resumed and is now in a failed state. Any fund movements that happened initially have been reversed, and a new balance movement entry has been created.
Transaction DirectionIndicates whether a transaction is an Advance or a Reversal.
Merchant NameThe name of the merchant.
Merchant CountryThe base country for the merchant as registered with their acquirer.
Merchant Category CodeAn identifier for the merchant category that a merchant belongs to.
Acquirer Reference NumberA unique reference number that identifies the acquirer for each merchant.
Authorisation CodeThe authorisation code used in authorisations and settlements. This can be used to match a settlement to its corresponding authorisation.
Processor DateThe date on which the transaction was processed at the card processor level. This is usually reported only for the authorisations and settlements.
Card ReferenceThe external ID of the card as supplied by the client and stored in the Nium system.
Card NumberThe first six and the last four digits of a card (for example, 406742**8806). This should not be used to match or map card numbers because multiple cards can share the same set of first six and last four digits. The card reference should be used instead.
Card BrandThe card scheme of the issued card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)
Card TypeThe card factory (card type) that a card is linked to.
Custom Field 1 to Custom Field 20You may choose to pass specific information related to the transaction using custom fields and the IssueVirtualCard() API. This information is passed as name:value pairs. Custom fields like this are typically used to reconcile card activity (payments and refunds).
For example, custom fields may contain the following information:
Client Customer Identifier : John123
Client Customer Booking Identifier : Paris321
Client Travel Package Type Descriptor : LOWCOST
Client Travel Package Identifier : LC21
Client Company Subsidiary Descriptor : Spain
NOTE: In the Nium Portal, custom fields are referred to as additional details.

View authorisations and card references

You can view a list of authorizations for a specific card on the _Authorisations _page.

  1. Select Cards > Authorisations.
    The Authorisations page is displayed.
Figure 28: Choosing a card to view authorizations

Figure 28: Choosing a card to view authorizations

  1. Enter your search criteria:
    • To search using the unique external identifier of the card (our recommended method), select the By Card Reference radio button and enter the card reference in the Card Reference field.



You can find the Card Reference on the Manage Cards page in the Card Reference column or on the Card Details page in the Card Reference field.
If you need to find and copy the Card Reference for a card, use the operating system copy function (for example, Ctrl + C).

  • To search using the unique name of the card, select the By Card Name radio button and enter this in the Card Name field.
  • To search using the card's unique number, select the By Card Number radio button and enter this in the Card Number field.
  • To search using the unique user-defined external ID of the card, select the By Card External ID radio button and enter this in the Card External ID field.
  1. Select the Search button to display a list of authorizations for the selected virtual card.
    The result page of the Authorisations page is displayed.
Figure 29: Search results on the Authorisations page

Figure 29: Search results on the Authorisations page

Viewing card batches

You can view all card actions performed using batches.

  1. Select Cards > Card Batches.
    The Card Batches search page is displayed.
Figure 30: Searching for card batches

Figure 30: Searching for card batches

  1. Select how you want to search for card batches:
    • Select the Batch Reference radio button to search by batch references and enter the Batch Reference in the text field. (You can use wildcard symbols [*] in this field.)
    • To search by batch type and submission date, select the Batch Type and Batch Submission Date radio button, the Batch Type, and one of the radio buttons for Batch Submission Date options (for example, Yesterday) and enter or select dates for a Custom Range.
      To view a list of all card batches, leave the default settings.
  2. Select the Search button.
    The Batch Card Reports page displays batch operations that match your search criteria.
Figure 31: A list of card batches

Figure 31: A list of card batches

  1. Select any value in the Batch Ref. No. column to view the details of a batch.
    A page displays the selected card batch. The page name and type depend on the batch operation type.
Figure 32: An example of batch operation details for a card load

Figure 32: An example of batch operation details for a card load