Non-Zero Card Balances Report
This report contains a list of all cards with an actual balance greater than zero. The purpose of this report is to keep track of cards with outstanding balances. It is generated daily and covers all cards issued on the previous day with a balance greater than zero.
Latest version: 3.13.0
File repository path: Non-Zero Card Balances/Daily
File name pattern: Non_Zero_Card_Balance_daily
Field | Description |
community | Contains the name of the community to which a client belongs as set up in Nium. |
client | The name of the client as set up in Nium. |
cardReference | A unique Nium reference of the card. |
cardName | A friendly name for the card. |
cardExternalId | The client provides the external ID of the card. |
cardNumber | Contains the first six and the last four digits of a card. This should not be used to match or map card numbers (multiple cards can share the same first six and last four digits). Card reference should be used instead. For example, 406742******8806 . |
cardCurrency | The currency of the virtual card. |
cardScheme | The card scheme of the virtual card. |
loadedAmount | The total amount loaded onto the card since the card issue date. |
settledAmount | The total purchase settlement amount for the card since the card issue date. |
refundAmount | The total refund settlement amount for the card since the card issue date. |
unloadedAmount | The total amount deducted from the card since the card issue date. |
financialBalance | The actual balance on the card. Note: Only cards with a balance greater than zero are included. |
blockedBalance | Calculated as: financialBalance − availableBalance |
availableBalance | The available spendable balance on the card. Note: The available balance can be greater than the actual balance when a refund has been processed in the provider system and has not yet been received by Nium for processing. |
dateIssued | The date when the card was issued. |
customField1 to customField20 | The client may choose to pass specific information relating to the transaction by attaching additional information in the custom fields. Custom information allows the client to reconcile card activity (payments and refunds). Custom field data is retrieved from the "cardInfo" parameter when creating a card using the IssueVirtualCard() API, or from the "additional details" form when creating a card in the Nium Portal. This information is passed as a name: value pairs. For example, custom fields may contain the following information:Client Customer Identifier : John123 Client Customer Booking Identifier : Paris321 Client Travel Package Type Descriptor : LOWCOST Client Travel Package Identifier : LC21 Client Company Subsidiary Descriptor : Spain Note: In the Nium Portal, custom fields are referred to as additional details. |
asAtDate | The latest date when the card had a balance greater than zero. Note: this is the day of report generation minus one. |