Card Activity Daily Report
This report contains a detailed list of all card activity on all cards, on a specific day.
The purpose of this report is to track all activity that impacts the actual balance on every card. It is generated daily and covers all transactions carried out on the previous day.
Latest version: 3.13.0
File repository path: Card Activity/Daily
File name pattern: Card_Activity_daily
startDate |
The date when the transaction started. |
transactionDate |
The date when the balance movement was performed. |
community |
The name of the community to which a client belongs as set up in Nium. |
client |
The name of the client as set up in Nium. |
country |
Represents the country in which the client is based. |
transactionId |
Represents a unique transaction identifier. |
adjustmentId |
Represents a unique identifier for each balance movement. |
A transaction can have multiple balance movements.
transactionType |
Describes the type of activity carried out on the card. The following reported transaction types are available: |
Transaction Type | Description | Transaction Info Field |
Transfer | Represents transfers to or from this card. | If the client initiates the transfer, this field contains NULL. If Nium initiates the transfer, this field contains comments entered by the Nium officer. |
Authorisation | Represents the receipt of an authorization request for the card. | Contains the authorization reason. |
Authorisation release | Represents the cancellation of a previous authorization request by the merchant. | Contains the authorization reason. |
Purchase | Represents the receipt and processing of a settlement request for the card. | NULL |
Merchant refund | Represents the receipt of funds on a card from a merchant. Includes merchant refunds and original credit transfers as processed through the Visa network. | NULL |
Manual credit | Represents a positive manual adjustment on a card. | Contains comments entered by the Nium officer. |
Manual debit | Represents a negative manual adjustment on a card. | Contains comments entered by the Nium officer. |
Card created | Represents the creation of new cards (which could involve fund transfer). | NULL |
Freeze | Represents the change of card state to restricted. | NULL |
Thaw | Represents the change of card state to active. | NULL |
Loss recovery | Represents negative card balance recovery | NULL |
Dispute opened | Represents the opening of a new dispute. | NULL |
Dispute reversed | Represents the reversal of an open dispute. | NULL |
Dispute won | Represents a dispute which has been won. | This field contains WON_PARTIAL in the case of a partial win, otherwise, it will contain NULL. |
Dispute lost | Represents a dispute which has been lost. | NULL |
Deduct fee | Represents any deducted fees. | This field contains INVALID_DISPUTE_FEE in the case of invalid disputes. |
transactionCurrency |
The currency of the participant (card). For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP but the currency of the card is EUR, transactionCurrency is EUR. |
In a cross-currency transfer, the transactionCurrency is that of the source instrument. For example, in case of a transfer from a EUR funding account to a USD card, transactionCurrency is EUR because that is the amount that would have been requested by the client
transactionAmount |
The requested amount is represented in transactionCurrency. This amount also includes Forex padding (for authorizations) and any fees set at the processor level. For example, suppose the client requested 1000 GBP. In that case, the transactionCurrency is EUR, the current GBP to EUR exchange rate is 1.1, and Forex padding is EUR 5, transactionAmount is 1105: EUR 1100 from currency exchange plus EUR 5 Forex padding. |
This amount does not include fees in case of cross-currency transfers.
transactionAuthor |
The author of the transaction (for example, username, API call). |
sourceType |
The source participant in the transaction. |
sourceDetails |
A friendly name of the source participant. |
destinationType |
The destination participant in the transaction |
destinationDetails |
A friendly name of the destination participant. |
participantType |
The type of transaction participant (can be a source or a destination participant). |
For card reports, participantType is always Virtual Card.
Funding Account | An account maintained with Nium, used by the client to issue and load cards. |
Virtual Card | A virtual card was issued through Nium. |
Bank Card | The account holderβs bank card deposits funds to their Nium funding account. |
Bank Account | A bank account registered in Nium may be used for bank transfers (to add money to a Nium funding account). |
Manual Account |
Manual accounts are tagged accounts used by Nium for manual adjustments. These include the following: |
Revshare | This account is used to show revenue share credits/debits. |
Forex_Fee | This account is used to adjust forex credits/debits. |
Misc_Clearing | This account adjusts one-off, occasional adjustments (supported by a note). |
Testing | This account is used to adjust testing credits/debits. |
Settlement_Loss | This account is used to collect losses on client settlement processing. |
Settlement _Charge | This account collects fees associated with settlement charges (not collected by the system). |
Dispute_Fee | This account is used to collect dispute fees on client requests. |
Dispute_Won | This account is used to credit funds won related to disputes processed. |
Card_Fee | This account is used to collect/refund card fee charges manually. |
Transfer_Fee | This account is used to manually collect/refund fees generated on a transfer. |
Bank_Charge | This account is used to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer. |
Tracing_Charge | This account is used to collect/refund fees associated with a bank transfer trace. |
Professional_Fee | This account collects fees associated to a bespoke task that had previously communicated a charge. |
Setup_Fee | This account is used to collect/refund setup fees. |
participantDetails |
Contains a friendly name of the participant. For example, bank account information (if the participant type is Bank Account), funding account name (if the participant type is Funding Account), and so on. |
participantSink |
Possible values: SOURCE or DESTINATION. |
originalCurrency |
The original currency as requested by the client. This is independent of the participant's currency. For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP and participantCurrency is EUR, originalCurrency is GBP. |
originalAmount |
The amount requested by the client. This is independent of the participant's currency. For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP and participantCurrency is EUR, originalAmount is 1000. |
participantCurrency |
The currency of the participant (card). For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP and the currency of the card is EUR, participantCurrency is EUR. |
participantAmount |
The requested amount is represented in the participant's currency (see: participantCurrency). For example, if the client requested 1000 GBP, participantCurrency is EUR, and the current GBP to EUR exchange rate is 1.1, participantAmount is 1100. |
At authorisation level there is no money movement, so if transactionType is Authorisation, then participantAmount is 0. The total amount blocked by the authorisation is represented in originalAmount and transactionAmount in respective currencies.
exchangeRate |
The exchange rate used between source currency and destination currency (if they are different). |
nonForexFee |
Contains non-Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable. |
forexFee |
Contains Forex fees for the reported transaction, where applicable |
balanceBefore |
The balance on the card before the transaction was processed. |
balanceAdjustment |
The adjustment amount on the card. This is the sum of the card transaction amount and the non-Forex fee and the Forex fee |
balanceAfter |
The balance on the card after the transaction was processed. This excludes the fee amount. |
status |
Used to keep track of transactions. |
Completed | The transaction has been completed successfully. |
Failed | The transaction has failed, and no fund moments have happened. |
Initialised | The transaction is suspended, and funds have only been partially moved. |
Initialised completed | The transaction was previously in a suspended state but has been resumed to completion successfully, and funds have also been fully moved. |
Initialised failed | The transaction that was previously suspended has been resumed to a failed state. Fund movements that happened initially have been reversed, and a new balance movement entry has been created. |
Field | Description |
forexFlag | Contains a Boolean flag indicating whether a transaction is Forex or not (possible values: Y/N). |
direction | Contains a Boolean flag indicating whether a transaction is an advance or a reversal (possible values: A/R). |
merchantName | The name of the merchant. |
merchantCountry | The base country for the merchant as registered with the acquirer. |
merchantCategoryCode | An identifier for the merchant category that a merchant belongs to. |
acquirerReferenceNumber | A unique reference number that identifies the acquirer for each merchant. |
authCode | The authorization code is used in authorizations and settlements. It can be used to match a settlement to its corresponding authorization. |
providerDate | The date on which the transaction is processed at the card processor level. Usually, it is reported only for the authorizations and settlements. |
externalRef | A unique Nium reference of the card. For example, CMCLHJCDHECDCCB. |
externalID | The external ID of the card is supplied by the client and stored in the Nium system. |
cardNum | The first six and last four digits of a virtual card. For example, 406742******8806. This should not be used to match or map card numbers, as multiple cards share the same set of first six and last four digits. Card references should be used to match or map card numbers. |
cardScheme | The card scheme of the issued card. For example, Visa or Mastercard. |
cardFactoryName | Indicates the card factory (card type) to which a card is linked. |
customField1 to customField20 | The client may choose to pass specific information relating to the transaction by attaching additional information in the custom fields. Custom information allows the client to reconcile card activity (payments and refunds). Custom field data is retrieved from the "cardInfo" parameter when creating a card using the IssueVirtualCard() API or from the "additional details" form when creating a card in the Nium Portal. This information is passed as a name: value pairs. For example, custom fields may contain the following information:Client Customer Identifier : John123 Client Customer Booking Identifier : Paris321 Client Travel Package Type Descriptor : LOWCOST Client Travel Package Identifier : LC21 Client Company Subsidiary Descriptor : Spain |
In the Nium portal, custom fields are referred to as additional details.
transactionInfo |
Additional information specific to each transaction type. |
fundingAccountName |
The name of the funding account from which the card was funded for the first time. |
authTransactionDate |
The date of the respective authorization for a purchase. |
schemeCode |
The card product uses the scheme-provided code. |
binOwner |
The entity associated with the respective card product. |
ecbRate |
The latest European Central Bank (ECB) rate is applicable for the day identified by the field Central Processing Date. |