Testing Nium
Learn how to test Nium's different services and build your integration with confidence. Please note, for testing purposes this article details how to test Nium's services in the US.
See our Testing - Postman collection for a breakdown of the different testing scenarios available.
Please note, this feature is currently in beta and only available for select clients. If you're interested, or have any questions please contact your Nium account manager or Nium Support.
Use the Simulate - Onboarding request to test the onboarding status for individual and corporate accounts.
Individual customers​
To comprehensively test onboarding, use the following requests which also help you create the resources you'll manipulate to test onboarding..
Onboarding - Individual Customers
Request | Description |
Step 1: Unified Add Customer |
Step 2: Customer Details V2 | After creating a customer , use the Customer Details V2 request to verify the complianceStatus of the customer is ACTION_REQUIRED. |
Step 3: Transition Compliance Status |
Step 4: Fetch Individual Customer RFI Details | Fetch details about the Request for Information (RFI). |
Step 5: Respond to RFI | Respond to the RFI. |
Step 6: Respond to RFI |
Corporate customers​
Testing how to onboard customers follows a similar flow to individual customers, with some variations in API parameters. Simulation API requirements remain the same except for values accepted in requestInfoFor
Onboarding - Corporate Customers
Request | Description |
Step 1: Onboard Corporate Customer |
Step 2: Customer Details V2 | After creating a customer , use the Customer Details V2 request to verify the complianceStatus of the customer is ACTION_REQUIRED. |
Step 3: Transition Compliance Status |
Step 4: Fetch Corporate Customer RFI Details | Fetch details about the Request for Information (RFI). |
Step 5: Respond to RFI for Corporate Customer | Respond to the RFI. |
Step 6: Respond to RFI for Corporate Customer |
To comprehensively test payouts, first use the following requests to create the resources you'll manipulate to test payouts. Please note:
- Use the following endpoint -
can accept the following values:EXPIRED
- Use the following request body to test out the different
"requestInfoFor": "creditor_salaryStatement"
Payouts - Prerequisites
Request | Description |
Step 1: Onboard Corporate Customer | Use the Onboard Corporate Customer request to create a customer . |
Step 2: Customer Details V2 | After creating a customer , use the Customer Details V2 request to verify the complianceStatus of the customer is COMPLETED. |
Step 3: Fund Wallet | Fund the wallet for the customer to make funds available to debit. |
Step 4: Assign a a Payment ID | Assign a a Payment ID to the customer wallet to define the funding source for transactions. |
Requests for Information (RFIs)​
For each scenario and detailed step, images and detailed instructions are provided for each stage in the testing process.
Payouts - Requests for Information (RFIs)
Request | Description |
Step 1: Add Beneficiary V2 | Include TransactionCreditorHit in beneficiaryName in the request body to return ACTION_REQUIRED as a compliance status. Set the beneficiary account number to 000987654322 to return the payment status as 'PAID’. |
Step 2: Transfer Money | Transfer funds between payment sources. |
Step 3: Fetch Remittance Status | After creating a beneficiary , use the Fetch Remittance Status request to verify the complianceStatus of the customer is ACTION_REQUIRED. |
Step 4: Test Payouts | Set the next status as RFI_REQUESTED and set requestInfoFor . Repeat Step 3 to verify a a new payout with status as RFI_REQUESTED. |
Step 5: Transactions | Fetch details about the Request for Information (RFI). |
Step 6: Respond to RFI | Respond to the RFI. |
Step 7: Payout Simulation |
Step 8: Fetch Remittance Status | Repeat Step 3 to verify if the final status is PAID. |
Bank errors​
Payouts - Bank Error
Request | Description |
Step 1: Add Beneficiary V2 | Set the beneficiary account number to 00098765991 to return a SENT_TO_BANK transaction status. |
Step 2: Transfer Money | Transfer funds between payment sources. |
Step 3: Fetch Remittance Status | Use the Fetch Remittance Status request to verify the status of the transaction is SENT_TO_BANK. |
Step 4: Test Payouts |
Bank returns​
Payouts - Bank Return
Request | Description |
Step 1: Add Beneficiary V2 | Set the beneficiary account number to 000712654321 to return an ERROR transaction status. |
Step 2: Transfer Money | Transfer funds between payment sources. |
Step 3: Fetch Remittance Status | Use the Fetch Remittance Status request to verify the status of the transaction is ERROR. |
Step 4: Test Payouts |
Account owner returns​
Payouts - Account Owner Return
Request | Description |
Step 1: Add Beneficiary V2 | Set the beneficiary account number to 000987654322 to return a PAID transaction status. |
Step 2: Transfer Money | Transfer funds between payment sources. |
Step 3: Fetch Remittance Status | Use the Fetch Remittance Status request to verify the status of the transaction is PAID. |
Step 4: Test Payouts |
Testing remittance transactions​
To simulate transaction status in sandbox, use the following table to replicate the following statuses:
Create a payout to test the above statuses:
- Create a
using the Add Beneficiary V2 request:beneficiaryCountryCode
as USdestinationCurrency
as USD
- Use the Transfer Money request to create a transaction with the beneficiary hash ID obtained in Step 1 and the parameters mentioned in the below table -
In the below listed simulation scenarios, transition of all status changes occur at one minute intervals.
Scenario | Routing Code | Beneficiary Account Number | Description |
PAID | 111000000 | 000987654321 | The status transitions from PG_PROCESSING --> SENT_TO_BANK --> PAID . |
RETURN | 111000000 | 000897654321 | The status transitions from PG_PROCESSING --> SENT_TO_BANK --> RETURN |
PAID to RETURN | 111000000 | 000879654321 | The status transitions from PG_PROCESSING --> SENT_TO_BANK --> PAID --> RETURN |
PAID | 111000000 | 000987654322 | The status transitions from SENT_TO_BANK --> PAID |