Virtual Account Assigned
This event is triggered when a virtual account has been assigned to the customer in an asynchronous flow.
Unlike in the synchronous assignment of virtual accounts, which are returned in the response of the respective APIs, clients do not receive certain virtual accounts immediately in the response of the APIs. This happens in cases of an asynchronous assignment of virtual accounts. In the latter case, the webhook introduced notifies the clients once the virtual accounts have been assigned.
Field | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request example
curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"fullBankName":"JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., London",
"bankAddress":"25 Bank Street Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom",
Request body
Field | Description | Type |
clientHashId | The unique client identifier generated and shared before API handshake. | UUID |
customerHashId | The unique customer identifier generated on customer creation. | UUID |
walletHashId | The unique wallet identifier generated simultaneously with customer creation. | UUID |
currencyCode | The three-letter ISO-4217 currency code. | String |
uniquePaymentId | The unique payment ID. | String |
uniquePayerId | The unique payer ID. | String |
fullBankName | The complete name of the bank for the virtual account. | String |
routingCodeType1 | The first routing code type. See the Examples of Routing Codes. | String |
routingCodeValue1 | The routing code value for routingCodeType1 . | String |
routingCodeType2 | The second routing code type. See the Examples of Routing Codes. | String |
routingCodeValue2 | The routing code value for routingCodeType2 . | String |
accountName | The account name to be mentioned while doing a fund transfer. | String |
accountType | The account type. The possible values are: \n• LOCAL \n• GLOBAL \n• LOCAL+GLOBAL . | String |
bankAddress | The bank address. | String |
template | The value for this field is VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNED_WEBHOOK . | String |