Prefund Approval
This event is triggered for a client prefund request notification.
Field | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request example
curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"transactionDate":"2020-12-16 09:36:05",
"remitterBankName":"Bank of Singapore",
"remitterName":"Kamal K",
"uniquePayerId":"DBS cards",
Request body
Field | Description | Type |
clientHashId | The unique client identifier that's generated and shared before the API handshake. | UUID |
prefundCurrency | This field contains the three-letter ISO-4217 prefund currency code. | String |
transactionAmount | This field contains the transaction amount. | String |
transactionId | This field contains the transaction reference number/ID. | String |
transactionDate | This field contains the date of the transaction. | String |
bankReferenceNumber | This field contains the bank reference number from the client. | String |
iccSource | This field contains the source of the fund. | String |
remitterAccountNumber | This field contains the remitter account number. | String |
remitterBankName | This field contains the remitter bank name. | String |
remitterName | This field contains the remitter name. | String |
uniquePaymentID | This field contains the unique payment ID. | String |
uniquePayerID | This field contains the unique payer ID. | String |
iccPayMode | This field contains the ICC payment mode. | String |
iccTransactionId | This field contains the ICC transaction ID. | String |
iccReceivedAt | This field contains the date and time when the ICC transaction is received. | String |
template | The value for this field is CARD_PRE_FUND_APPROVAL_WEBHOOK . | String |