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Prefund Approval

This event is triggered for a client prefund request notification.


Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://<customerHost:Port>/webhook' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"transactionDate":"2020-12-16 09:36:05",
"remitterBankName":"Bank of Singapore",
"remitterName":"Kamal K",
"uniquePayerId":"DBS cards",

Request body

clientHashIdThe unique client identifier that's generated and shared before the API handshake.UUID
prefundCurrencyThis field contains the three-letter ISO-4217 prefund currency code.String
transactionAmountThis field contains the transaction amount.String
transactionIdThis field contains the transaction reference number/ID.String
transactionDateThis field contains the date of the transaction.String
bankReferenceNumberThis field contains the bank reference number from the client.String
iccSourceThis field contains the source of the fund.String
remitterAccountNumberThis field contains the remitter account number.String
remitterBankNameThis field contains the remitter bank name.String
remitterNameThis field contains the remitter name.String
uniquePaymentIDThis field contains the unique payment ID.String
uniquePayerIDThis field contains the unique payer ID.String
iccPayModeThis field contains the ICC payment mode.String
iccTransactionIdThis field contains the ICC transaction ID.String
iccReceivedAtThis field contains the date and time when the ICC transaction is received.String
templateThe value for this field is CARD_PRE_FUND_APPROVAL_WEBHOOK.String