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Client Settlement Report V1


This report version is deprecated. Refer to the Client Settlement Report V2 for the latest version. This report will become unavailable after Jun 2024.

The Client Settlement Report serves to update you on the final status of transactions following card scheme settlements. This report is purely for informational purposes, and clients are not required to undertake any additional processing on their part. The balances within the Nium platform have already been adjusted accordingly, and the transaction status will be updated accordingly. This report is applicable for all models of dynamic authorization.


If you are using the Delegated Model of Dynamic Authorization, you should continue to receive and process the daily settlement file outlined in section 2.2. The Nium platform generates a daily report for you, encompassing all settlements sent by schemes within the last 24 hours.

To start receiving settlement reports, contact your Nium representative. Once enabled, this report can be downloaded from the Nium Portal or delivered to you over Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).


The below table provides descriptions for the data provided in the client settlement report V1.

Field HeaderSample Value/FormatDescription
Batch Date20210121 [YYYYMMDD]Date when settlement file is processed.
Effective Date20210118 [YYYYMMDD]Date from when the transaction is effective.
Posting Date20210118 [YYYYMMDD]Date from when the transaction is posted to customer account/wallet.
File NameFV_MONTX_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.TXT.pgpName of scheme settlement file. It's a PGP encrypted file.
StatusAvailable values include:
Transaction settlement status.
Client Hash ID5a860711-8a50-4619-1e4b-24c03560b7xzClient hash identifier (ID) is a unique 36-char UUID.
Customer Hash ID6a450711-2r50-1211-1e4b-12c03780b7qwCustomer hash identifier (ID) is a unique 36-char UUID.
Card Hash Id3f860722-9f50-4689-9e3b-16c03560b7fcCard hash identifier (ID) is a unique 36-char UUID.
Masked Card Number4111-XXXX-XXXX-1111Masked PAN
Authorization CodeA45FR36-character approval code for a transaction.
Transaction typeAvailable values include:
  • D
  • C
Transaction identifier that shows if it's Debit or Credit.
Account Number7561010103710131131Cardholder account number/ Proxy number
Transaction CurrencyAvailable values include:
  • SGD
  • AUD
3-character ISO3 currency code.
Transaction AmountAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATDDDDTransaction amount in format (15,1,4): A indicates the amount, T indicates the dot separating the decimal, D indicates the decimal. Example: 500.45 USD as 000000000000500.4500.
Billing CurrencyAvailable values include:
  • SGD
  • AUD
3-character ISO3 currency code.
Billing AmountAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATDDDDBilling amount in format (15,1,4). Example: 500.45 USD as 000000000000500.4500.
RegionAvailable values include:
  • SG
  • HK
  • AU
2-letter ISO country code depicting region.
Interchange Fee SignAvailable values include:
  • +
  • -
  • blank
+ for Positive, - for Negative.
Interchange FeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATDDDDTransaction interchange fee as determined by the scheme.
Original interchange fee signAvailable values include:
  • +
  • -
  • blank
+ for Positive, - for Negative.
Original interchange feeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATDDDDTransaction interchange fee as determined by the scheme.
Issuer MarkupIssuer Markup if it's configured.
Exchange Rate SignAvailable values include:
  • +
  • -
  • blank
+ for Positive, - for Negative.
Exchange Rate0This field shall contain zero.
Transaction Code SignBlankBlank/Empty
Transaction Code2051Identifies the nature of the transaction made and whether a debit, credit or memo.
Merchant ID233062644221291Unique Id of the Merchant where the card was used.
Merchant Category Code5814Alpha-numeric code identifying the merchant operating the POS/ATM.
Merchant Name LocationAPC CORP Singapore SGMerchant Name and Location details.
Merchant Country CodeSGP3-letter ISO country code of the merchant
Ref NumberMT233410132000010002589Reference number shared by the scheme.
Visa Transaction IDMDH4ABC123456Unique transaction identifier from Visa or MasterCard.
Interchange Reference78600000317792070999001Interchange reference on transaction provided by merchant.
Original Payment Amount SignAvailable values include:
  • +
  • -
  • blank
+ for Positive, - for Negative.
Original Payment Amount0This field usually has 0 or blank.
Original Transaction Code0This field usually has 0 or blank.
Rolled Amount SignAvailable values include:
  • +
  • -
+ for Positive, - for Negative.
Rolled Amount0This field usually has 0 or blank.
Pos Entry Mode07A Point-of-Service (POS) entry mode identifies the mode in which a transaction is initiated at the point of service.
Point of ServiceM90901M99996Alphanumeric code that identifies the card acceptor for defining the point of service terminal.
ECOM TransactionAvailable values include:
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • S
Identifies whether the transaction is an electronic commerce transaction.
Matched AuthorizationAvailable values include:
  • Y
  • N
This field will contain Y or N depending on whether the settlement was matched with an original transaction.
Multi ClearingAvailable values include:
  • M
  • F
Indicates if the transaction is fully or partially settled. M - Indicates Multiple, F - Indicates Final.
Recurring TransactionAvailable values include:
  • 1
  • 0
If it's a recurring transaction, then the value will be 1 else it will be 0.
Recurring MCC4101Recurring MCC Code.
Card Block CodeBlackAlphanumeric value if the card has any block code.
Record TypeM1-letter record type. It will have the value "M"
Payment IndicatorAvailable values include:
  • B
  • G
  • P
  • Blank/Empty
Indicates the type of payment. Valid values are: B = Branch payment, G = GIRO payment, P = Postal payment.
Fraud Matched FlagAvailable values include:
  • Y
  • N
  • Blank/Space
Flag to indicate fraud. Valid values are: Y - Fraud Matched, N - Fraud Not Matched.
Digital Card IndicatorAvailable values include:
  • 1
  • 0
If the transaction was done using Apple or Google wallets, it will have the value of 1 otherwise 0.
Sms Dms IndicatorSpaceSingle or Dual message indicator.
Wsp IDAvailable values include:
  • 216 - Google
  • 103 - Apple
Wallet service provider ID.
WspWallet service provider.
Token Requester IDex: 50120834693Unique identifier of Token requestor.
Token Number16 digit number generated by schemeFor tokenized transactions, it will have corresponding token number details that are shared by the schemes.
Comments"Transaction settled"System-generated comments based on the settlement record processing.
Created By"SYSTEM"This field contains "SYSTEM"
Created Date12/01/2021 11:13:12 pmCreation timestamp in format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
Modified BySYSTEMThis field contains "SYSTEM"
Modified Date12/01/2021 11:13:12 pmModification timestamp in format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM