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January 23, 2024

New Feature

We have introduced a new Webhook event type called CUSTOMER_COMPLIANCE_STATUS applicable for individual customers. This event is triggered when there is a change to the individual customer's compliance status. For more information, see the Customer-compliance status event in our API reference.

Prior to this change, you had to configure a separate URL to receive the customer compliance status from Nium. The new event update will improve the developer experience by simplifying the number of integration steps. You can now use the same URL configured to receive all Webhook events and subscribe to the new event.

You can also subscribe to the event type CARD_CLIENT_KYB_STATUS_WEBHOOK to receive the compliance status of corporate customers. The Callback to receive customer-compliance status will continue to be supported.


We have introduced two new fields - ClientMarkupRate and MarkupRate - to help you apply FX markup rates to your customers.

  • The ClientMarkupRate is the markup rate you negotiated with Nium.
  • The MarkupRate field details the FX markup fees configured for your customer.
  • If there are no fees configured for your customer, the MarkupRate will default to the ClientMarkupRate.

Both fields can be found in the response body of the following APIs:

Having these fields readily available offers a convenient way to charge FX markup fees to your customers and helps you further monetize your FX services for revenue generation.

December 19, 2023

There are no changes for this time period.

December 5, 2023

There are no changes for this time period.

November 21, 2023

There are no changes for this time period.

November 7, 2023

There are no changes for this time period.

October 24, 2023

New Features

  • We have added several new features to the Nium portal in the sandbox environment, including global wallets view, reports for payout transactions, configuring webhook events, inviting new users to your sandbox, and transparency with chronometer in the transaction details. Read the announcement blog for more details.

API Breaking Changes

  • Document details are required when onboarding in EU

    Nium must report the "documentNumber" associated with the individual stakeholder positions of corporate customers to regulatory authorities through various reports. Until now, clients were not obligated to provide stakeholderDetails.documentDetails in the eKYB process. However, starting January 1, 2024, stakeholderDetails.documentDetails will become a mandatory field for both the eKYB and Manual KYB procedures when the position corresponds to UBO, TRUSTEE, or PARTNER.

    Additionally, stakeholderDetails.kycMode, and stakeholderDetails.documentDetails.document will continue to be optional in the eKYB process when a searchID is provided, but they will be required fields when searchID is not provided for the manual KYB flow.

    See EU Required Parameters and EU Required Documents for more details.

October 10, 2023


  • Corporate customer onboarding enhancements

    • Added a new status field in the Client-KYB Status webhook to enhance corporate customer onboarding.

      Currently, the Client KYB Status webhook only provides access to the complianceStatus parameter, and you proceed with the transaction upon receiving a complianceStatus value of COMPLETED. However, certain transactions may not succeed because transactions are only allowed when the status is Clear.

      To address this issue and prevent transaction failures, we have now included the status field in the webhook, which is already available in the Customer Details API. We strongly recommend that clients utilize both complianceStatus and status to ensure the successful execution of transactions.

      Note that the complianceStatus being COMPLETED does not signify a terminal state, as there is still a possibility of receiving Requests for Information (RFIs) even after this webhook has been received. In rare instances, RFIs may still be raised even after the status has reached Clear due to post-approval due diligence. However, transactions will not be blocked in such situations.

    • Amendment to attestation for US Clients.

      For US clients, it is necessary to update the applicant declaration or attestation in your onboarding process to incorporate the UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) declaration. Use the following amended attestation:

      "I certify that I am the authorized representative of the customer; all information provided and documents submitted are complete and correct. I confirm that I have provided all the UBOs present. I have read and accepted the Nium Terms and Conditions."

  • Individual customer onboarding enhancements

    • Enhancement in the Unified Add Customer API by adding a new optional field isTncAccepted to support both onboarding and the terms and conditions (T&C) acceptance in a single API call.

      isTncAccepted is a boolean field with a default value of false. With this change, the customer's initial consent to the T&Cs can be recorded during the onboarding flow.

    • Introduced shortened enum values for intendedUseOfAccount and estimatedMonthlyFunding fields in the Unified Add Customer API. The shortened values and their corresponding descriptions are available in the enum values description guide.

      This enhancement will make the API easier to use and reduce the chance of validation errors.

    • The Regenerate KYC URL API now supports individual customers in addition to corporate customers.

September 26, 2023

There are no changes for this time period.

September 12, 2023

New Feature

Added a new RFI template called otherData for corporate onboarding.

Currently, the RFIs requiring additional data are limited to businessName, transactionCountries, and intendedUseOfAccount. Prior to this change, when additional information was required, an RFI was raised using an email or with the otherDocument RFI template. Since the otherData RFI handles non-document requests, any type of information can now be collected without the need to add any new RFI templates in the future.

The otherData RFI is available in preprod for testing now and will be available in production starting October 10, 2023.

The request body for the Respond to RFI API accepts the businessInfo.additionalInfo.otherData object as an item in the rfiResponseRequest array object.

Examples for usage of otherData:

August 29, 2023


For security and to inform customers of any account takeover, notifications are sent in two ways.

    1. Notification by Email

    • The new email template CUSTOMER_UPDATE_EMAIL has been introduced to send email notifications to customers whenever there is any update in the email address or mobile number of the customer.

    • For any change in the email address, notifications are sent to both the previous and updated email addresses.

    • For any change in the mobile number, the notification is sent to the current email address.

    • Currently, this is applicable only for individual customers whose kycStatus is Clear.

    2. Notification by Webhook

    • To send the contact information of the customer prior to the update, three new key-value pairs have been included in the fields parameter:

      • previousCountryCode
      • previousMobile
      • previousEmail
    • The CARD_CUSTOMER_UPDATE_WEBHOOK parameter notifies about the customer’s previous and newly updated contact information to you.

    • Example of the updated field in the request body of the webhook template:
      "fields": {
      "countryCode": "SG",
      "mobile": "67543800",
      "email": "",
      "previousCountryCode": "US",
      "previousMobile": "123456789",
      "previousEmail": "" },