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May 23, 2023

New features

  • Link a corporate customer to an individual customer is a new feature for Spend Management and Payroll Management use cases. You can now link an individual customer, or employee, to their corporate customer and create that hierarchy in the system.

    Note: For details on how to link a corporate customer to an individual customer or the Spend and Payroll Management feature, refer to the Platform tab.

    • Spend Management: Assigns a card to an employee linked to a corporate account. You can issue cards using the Add Card V2 API and provide the customer details as mentioned below:

      • customerHashId: the customerHashId of the corporate customer
      • walletHashId: the unique walletHashId of the corporate customer
      • childCustomerHashId: the customerHashId of the individual customer

      The card is issued to a corporate customer and is linked to an individual customer.

      You can fetch the childCustomerHashId with the Card Details V2 and Card List APIs. The query parameters are enhanced to include the clientHashId, customerHashId, walletHashId, and childCustomerHashId to help filter the results.

    • Payroll Management: Assigns a card to an employee for their own account. You can issue cards using the Add Card V2 API and provide the customer details as mentioned below:

      • customerHashId: the customerHashId of the corporate customer
      • walletHashId: the unique walletHashId of the corporate customer
      • childCustomerHashId: NULL

      The card is issued to an individual customer.

  • Card List V2 API retrieves a list of all cards issued to a wallet using the walletHashId and the customerHashId path parameters.

    • The API structure mirrors the structure of all other Card V2 APIs with logical tags.
    • The API shows the delivery address on file, the address where the card is delivered, and its embossing details.
    • Card List V1 API is deprecated and becomes unsupported on December 31, 2023.
  • A transaction is declined if the Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process is in the pending status. This change is in accordance with compliance regulations. All cards associated with the customer and their wallet are also temporarily blocked until the status changes to verified.


  • Search and filter cards in the client portal using a new Search and Filter feature entering a card number, a card hash ID, and a card proxy number, on the customer details screen. The functions help find a card among multiple ones attached to a wallet.

  • Card Details V1 and V2, and Card List V1 and V2 APIs provide device details for Mastercard. Before, device details were only available for Visa cards.