Onboarding error codes

You can use the errorDetails object in all of the APIs related to Onboarding. In this object, code can be used to classify messages and to handle different error codes.


  • You can direct an applicant to the business details page when receiving error E100 or F100.
  • You can change the error message and appropriately guide your customer when receiving error R601.

The error codes on this page are composed of a letter and a 3-digit number.

Cxxx – RFI

Error codeError source
C101Reference ID is required to process the responded RFI for Template {0}.
C102One of the RFI template IDs is blank.
C301Reference ID is incorrect for the responded RFI for Template {0}.
C302Invalid RFI template ID(s) {0}.
C401Provided Information or document is incorrect for the responded RFI for Template {0}.
C402The RFI has already been responded for template ID {0}.

Exxx – Missing field in request

Error codeError source
E100Business information
E200Stakeholder details
E300Applicant details
E400Risk assessment info, Nature Of Business
E500Expected Account Usage
E900Bank details (HK)

Fxxx – Invalid field in request

Error codeError source
F100Business information
F200Stakeholder details
F300Applicant details
F400Risk assessment info, Nature Of Business
F500Expected Account Usage
F900Bank details (HK)

Ixxx – Errors from partners

Error codeError source
I000KYC is approved.
I100Fetching data from the partner is not complete.
I300The application is being reviewed by our compliance agent.
I400Validation error at one of our partners
I500An internal service is down.
I601The status change request is from an invalid status.
I602The status change request is from an unauthorized personnel.
I603The link expired.

Jxxx – Application approval rule errors

Error codeError Source
J100The application is being reviewed by our compliance agent.
J200The application is being reviewed by our compliance agent.
J300The application is being reviewed by our compliance agent.
J400The application is being reviewed by our compliance agent.

Pxxx and Qxxx – Parameters are invalid

Error codeError source
P100Parameters are missing.
–– Q ––
Q100Parameters are invalid.
Q101Combination of parameters could not be used to find data.
Q102clientHashId cannot be found.
Q103customerHashId cannot be found.

Rxxx and Zxxx – Other errors

Error codeError source
R400Bad request – anything that can't be categorized above.
R401KYC was already completed.
R403The document was already uploaded.
R408The link already expired.
R500Any internal service, vendor, or underlying service is down.
R601Status change request from an invalid status.
R602Link regeneration failed - while customer applicant KYC is submitted.
R603Link regeneration failed - while customer applicant KYC is in ERROR state.
R604Link regeneration failed - link regeneration can't be initiated for this compliance status.
R605Link regeneration failed - link regeneration can't be initiated for the applicant's current KYC status.
R606That functionality isn't available in the current status.
R607The customer can't be created in the current status.
R608The customer can't use functionalities like the Get Application Details API until after the applicant's KYC is submitted.
R609An invalid request structure was provided in the stakeholders object.
R700Too many requests.
R800Resubmission is blocked because the application was rejected due to high risk.
Z100Any error that isn't classified in the above scenarios.



In some cases, the errorDetails field may not be available where the previous version of errors field is in use.