SG onboarding


This page contains details about the Singapore Know Your Customer (KYC) flows and links to the following sub-pages for quick reference:

Page name          Description
SG required parametersThis page lists the required API fields for onboarding an individual customer.
SG required documentsThis page contains tables listing the required documents for verification of an individual customer.
SG request examplesThis page contains API request examples for onboarding an individual customer in the SG regulatory region.
SG PSA Compliance for wallet-based programsThis page details the SG Payment Services Act (PSA) Compliance on wallet-based programs.


When using the Unified Add Customer API to add a customer in Singapore, eKYC verification is performed.

In Singapore, the add customer eKYC process is as follows:

  1. Your new customer signs up for verification.
  2. send a GET request to the Terms and Conditions API.
  3. Nium returns the Terms and Conditions description.
  4. Display the Terms and Conditions to your customer to agree and accept. You collect all customer information for onboarding.
  5. Send a POST request to the Unified Add Customer API as per the SG required parameters.
  6. Nium returns the redirectURL which you inform your customer.
  7. Direct your customer for completing the verification with the vendor.
  8. After the verification process completes, your customer is redirected back to the eKYC redirect URL that is configured during the client setup.
  9. Nium sends a CUSTOMER_COMPLIANCE_STATUS webhook with complianceStatus .
  10. Send a response with the HTTPS status code 200.
  11. Customer onboarding can be reinitiated if the compliance status is IN_PROGRESS, REJECT, or ERROR.

Manual KYC – SG

When using the Unified Add Customer API with compliance option as MANUAL_KYC to add a customer in Singapore, the following verification process is performed.

Exception handling for redirection flow

As a response to the Unified Add Customer API with KYC Mode E_KYC, Nium returns a redirect URL. You need to redirect the customer to the redirect URL. After the customer completes the KYC verification, they are redirected back to your eKYC redirect URL that was configured with Nium.

The following parameters will be returned as part of the eKYC redirect URL to help you to understand the status of the customer’s verification in the vendor’s UI.

  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
  • isSuccess – This field indicates whether the customer completed the required steps in the vendor’s UI. It doesn't mean KYC is successful.

This information helps you to design and implement the next steps in your application. For example, you may decide to show the success or error message to the customer as per the scenarios listed below.

ScenarioExpected actionQuery parameters in the redirection
The customer completes the required steps in the vendor’s UI.You receive a callback from Nium.errorCode: N/A

errorMessage: N/A

isSuccess: true
The customer has provided incorrect data in the vendor's UI and has not clicked Accept in the vendor's page.Ask customer to submit correct data in the vendors page.errorCode: I400

errorMessage: vendorValidationError

isSuccess: false
Any unexpected error from the vendor.Try after some time or reach out to Nium's support.errorCode: I500

errorMessage: unexpectedError

isSuccess: false