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System Reference Number

The Payment Details by System Reference Number API allows Client to fetch payment details using system reference number of the transaction, as part of the Open Banking PIS flow and based on customer's consent.

Example Response

"systemReferenceNumber": "308a4d01-8549-4cbb-b83f-05cd768d606f",
"debtorAccount": {
"iban": "DE06000000000023456789",
"bban": "BARC12345612345678",
"pan": "5309050000012345",
"maskedPan": "******12345",
"msisdn": "+49 170 1234567",
"currency": "EUR"
"creditorAccount": {
"iban": "DE06000000000023489765",
"bban": "BARC12345612349087",
"pan": "5609050000012345",
"maskedPan": "******12345",
"msisdn": "+49 170 1234897",
"currency": "EUR"
"instructedAmount": {
"amount": 1000.5,
"currency": "EUR"
"routingCodeValue": "AAAADEBBXXX",
"statementNarrative": "Family maintenance",
"creditorName": "John Smith",
"comments": "Request initiated",
"status": "INITIATED"

Response Body

systemReferenceNumberThe unique, system generated reference number for the transaction.UUID
debtorAccountThis object contains the account details for the debtor in this transaction.Object
debtorAccount.ibanThe International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the debtor’s account, for example, FR7612345987650123456789014.String
debtorAccount.bbanThe Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) Identifier. This data elements is used for payment accounts which have no IBAN, for example, BARC12345612345678.String
debtorAccount.panThe Primary Account Number (PAN) of the debtor’s card, can be tokenized by the ASPSP due to PCI DSS requirements.String
debtorAccount.maskedPanThe masked Primary Account Number (PAN) of the debtor’s card. Masked data is represented by *.String
debtorAccount.msisdnAn alias to access a payment account via a registered mobile phone number.String
debtorAccount.currencyThe debtor’s 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code.String
creditorAccountThis object contains the account details for the creditor in this transaction.Object
creditorAccount.ibanThe International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the creditor’s account, for example, FR7612345987650123456789014.String
creditorAccount.bbanThe Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) Identifier for the creditor’s account. This data elements is used for payment accounts which have no IBAN, for example, BARC12345612345678.String
creditorAccount.panThe Primary Account Number (PAN) of the creditor’s card, can be tokenized by the ASPSP due to PCI DSS requirements.String
creditorAccount.maskedPanThe masked Primary Account Number (PAN) of the creditor’s card. Masked data is represented by *.String
creditorAccount.msisdnAn alias to access a payment account via a registered mobile phone number.String
creditorAccount.currencyThe creditor’s 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code.String
instructedAmountThis object contains the amount and currency of the transaction.Object
instructedAmount.amountThe amount of the transaction.Double
instructedAmount.currencyThe 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction.String
routingCodeValueThe BIC routing code for the transaction.String
statementNarrativeThe narrative for the transaction.String
creditorNameThe name of the receiver for this flow.String
commentsThe system-generated comments for the transaction.String
statusThe status of the transaction. The possible values are:




