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Required Parameters

The API fields shown on this page are relevant to the SG regulatory region only. To see the full payload, refer to the Unified Add Customer API Reference.

Required Parameters

The following table list which parameters are required for each KYC mode.

Field NameDescriptioneKYCeDocVerifyManual KYC
firstNameThis field contains the first name of the customer. The maximum limit is 40 characters.N/ARequiredRequired
middleNameThis field contains the middle name of the customer. The maximum limit is 40 characters.N/AOptionalOptional
lastNameThis field contains the last name of the customer. The maximum limit is 40 characters.N/ARequiredRequired
nativeLanguageNameThe field contains the customer's name in their native language. If the customer's name is mentioned in their native language in their identity document, then this information should be provided for ease of verification. The maximum limit is 40 characters or 20 double-byte characters.N/AOptionalOptional
nationalityThis field contains the 2-letter ISO Alpha-2 country code denoting the customer's citizenship.N/ARequiredRequired
complianceLevelThis field contains the compliance level for the customer. It is useful when the client has multiple compliance setups. The possible values are SCREENING and SCREENING_KYC.OptionalOptionalOptional
countryCodeThis field contains the 2-letter ISO Alpha-2 country code denoting the country prefix code to the customer's mobile number.RequiredRequiredRequired
mobileThis field contains the mobile number of the customer without the country prefix code. The maximum character limit is 20 and can contain only numerals.RequiredRequiredRequired
emailThis field contains the email address of the customer which must not already be in the system. The maximum character limit is 60.RequiredRequiredRequired
dateOfBirthThis field contains the customer's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. Customers need to be at least 18 years old. For any special use cases, discuss with your Nium account manager.N/ARequiredRequired
kycModeThis field contains the KYC mode used during verification.E_KYCE_DOC_VERIFYMANUAL_KYC
billingAddress1This field contains the first line of the customer’s billing address. The maximum character limit is 40.N/ARequiredRequired
billingAddress2This field contains the second line of the customer's billing address. The maximum character limit is 40.N/AOptionalOptional
billingCityThis field contains the city of the customer’s billing address. The maximum character limit is 20.N/ARequiredRequired
billingLandmarkThis field contains the landmark for the customer’s billing address. The maximum character limit is 40.N/AOptionalOptional
billingStateThis field contains the state of the customer's billing address. The maximum character limit is 30.N/AOptionalOptional
billingZipCodeThis field contains the postcode of the customer’s billing address. For UK, specify the postcode value in the following SW4 6EH format. The maximum alphanumeric character limit is 10.N/ARequiredRequired
billingCountryThis field contains the 2-letter ISO Alpha-2 country code denoting the country of the customer's billing address.N/ARequiredRequired
deviceInfoThis field contains the OS of the device used by the customer for initiating the request.OptionalOptionalOptional
ipAddressThis field contains the IP address of the device used by the customer for initiating the request.OptionalOptionalOptional
countryIPThis field contains the country IP address for the device by the customer for initiating the request.OptionalOptionalOptional
sessionIdThis field contains the session ID of the customer's session that is initiating the request.OptionalOptionalOptional
segmentThis field contains the fee segment associated with a client. The maximum character limit is 64.OptionalOptionalOptional
identificationDocThis field contains an array which contains identification documents. The maximum array size is 10 MB.N/AN/ARequired
identificationTypeThis field contains the identification type for the document being uploaded for KYC. Use Fetch corporate constants API for valid values.N/AN/ARequired
identificationValueThis field contains the identification value. Note: Required depending on the identification document type.N/AN/ARequired *
identificationIssuingDateThis field contains the identification document issuing date. Note: Required depending on the identification document type.N/AN/ARequired *
identificationDocExpiryThis field contains the identification document expiration date. Note: Required depending on the identification document type.N/AN/ARequired *
identificationDocIssuanceCountryThis field contains the country that issued the identification document. Note: Required depending on the identification document type.N/AN/ARequired *
identificationDocumentThis field contains the document saved as a base64 encoded string.N/AN/ARequired
fileNameThis field contains the name of the file being uploaded.N/AN/ARequired
fileTypeThis field contains the type of the file being uploaded. The supported file types are:
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • PDF
  • .
    documentThis field contains the base64 encoded document being uploaded.N/AN/ARequired
    verificationConsentThis field specifies if the electronic verification consent to process customer data for compliance is required or not.N/ARequiredN/A
    additionalInfoThis field contains additional information.OptionalOptionalOptional
    tagsThis object contains the user defined key-value pairs provided by the client. The maximum number of tags allowed is 15.OptionalOptionalOptional

    tags object

    This object contains the user defined key-value pairs provided by the client. The maximum number of tags allowed is 15.

    Field nameDescriptionRequired
    keyThis field contains the name of the tag. The maximum limit is 128 characters. Note: This field is required if the value field is provided in the request.Yes *
    valueThis field contains the value of the tag. The maximum limit is 256 characters. Note: This field is required if the key field is provided in the request.Yes *