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Example Requests

To onboard individual customers, use the Unified Add Customer request.

For an example call that you can customize with your information, see:

Request example for E_KYC

The following is an example of a request that uses E_KYC for kycMode to onboard a customer.

"nationality": "AU",
"kycMode": "E_KYC",
"complianceLevel": "SCREENING_KYC",
"countryCode": "AU",
"addressLine1": "2numbernumbernumbernumber|name",
"postcode": "4313",
"email": "",
"mobile": "107555762",
"billingAddress1": "2numbernumbernumbernumber|name",
"billingState": "Queensland",
"billingZipCode": "4213",
"billingCountry": "AU",
"state": "Queensland",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-12-18",
"taxDetails": [
"countryOfResidence": "FR",
"taxIdNumber": "FR123456"
"identificationDoc": [
"identificationType": "PASSPORT",
"identificationDocColor": "G",
"identificationValue": "0432125561",
"identificationDocReferenceNumber": "1",
"identificationDocHolderName": "Amin Prayag Uttarkar",
"identificationDocExpiry": "2026-08-10",
"identificationDocIssuanceCountry": "AU"


Request example for MANUAL_KYC

The following is an example of request that uses MANUAL_KYC for kycMode to onboard a customer.

"firstName": "Sam",
"lastName": "John",
"email": "",
"nationality": "IN",
"countryCode": "SG",
"mobile": "12345678",
"dateOfBirth": "1995-05-24",
"kycMode": "MANUAL_KYC",
"billingAddress1": "123 Long Street",
"billingAddress2": "Great Lake",
"billingCity": "Mumbai",
"billingZipCode": "00185",
"billingCountry": "IN",
"identificationDoc": [
"identificationType": "PASSPORT",
"identificationValue": "P12345",
"identificationDocIssuanceCountry": "IN",
"identificationDocExpiry": "04/05/2026",
"identificationDocument": [
"fileName": "passport-front.jpg",
"fileType": "image/jpeg",
"document": "<<base64 encoded image >>"
"fileName": "passport-back.jpg",
"fileType": "image/jpeg",
"document": "<<base64 encoded image >>"