Roles and Permissions

Nium Portal has several different roles available to help you control what users have access.

Nium Portal has four roles available for users:

  • VIEWER: Can review details about resources and reports but can't make changes or perform actions.
  • DEVELOPER: Handles technical settings like API keys and system configurations. This role is best suited for team members who will be in charge of technical setup and integration tasks.
  • MANAGER: Oversees and manages operational data (customers, clients, beneficiaries, users, etc.), with the ability to edit, add, and organize it.
  • APPROVER: Responsible for approving or rejecting transactions and changes to ensure compliance and accuracy.
  • ADMIN: Has complete access to all settings, features, and administrative functions within the portal.

See the following for a breakdown of the permissions and capabilities available for each role in the different areas of Nium Portal.

User Management

View user list
Add and invite users🚫🚫
Edit and update user roles🚫🚫
Delete user🚫🚫🚫🚫
Request password reset

Client Management

View client balances
View client ID
View API Keys🚫
View client configuration

Customer Management

View customer list
View customer balances
View customer data
Edit customer data🚫🚫
Move funds🚫🚫🚫
Download statements

Beneficiary Management

Add beneficiary🚫🚫
Update beneficiary🚫🚫
Delete beneficiary🚫🚫

Beneficiary Management

View beneficiaries list
View beneficiary details
Add a new beneficiary🚫🚫
Edit or update a beneficiary🚫🚫
Delete beneficiaries🚫🚫🚫
Export the details of beneficiaries🚫🚫
Create payouts to beneficiaries🚫🚫
Approve payouts to beneficiaries🚫🚫🚫
Initiate payments to beneficiaries🚫🚫

API Keys

View API Keys
Generate new API Keys🚫🚫🚫🚫


Create webhooks🚫
Edit webhooks🚫
Delete webhooks🚫
View webhooks


Transaction Reports

View transaction reports
Download transaction reports
Respond to RFIs🚫🚫
View RFI details

Scheduled Reports

View scheduled reports
Create scheduled reports🚫🚫
Edit scheduled reports🚫🚫
Download scheduled reports

Batch Payouts

Download templates
Upload batch files🚫🚫
Submit batch files🚫🚫
Submit batch files on
behalf of another party
Cancel their
own batches
Cancel batches
created by another user
Approve their
own batches
Approve another
party's batches
View batches
View transactions
in batches
Download CSVs of
their own batches
Download CSVs of
other users' batches